This quotation is from the press conference Condeleezza Rice and Tsippi Livne gave togerher, and the translation is from the Foreign Ministry site.
FM LIVNI: I was asked about compensating settlers who wants to leave the West
Bank.[Translated from Hebrew:] In principle, as someone who has experienced the whole disengagement process... (complete transcript)
How could she claim to have "experienced" Disengagement?
- Did she live in one of the destroyed communities?
- Did she lose her home?
- Is she now unemployed in a refugee camp?
She was one of the government officials who supported and facilitated Disengagement!
What drugs are they on, and can I have some?
Yeah, she experienced the "Disengagement" the same way that a thug experiences a mugging -- from the wrong side!
She must be taking lessons from Olmert.
"It's not what you say; it's how you say it. Speak with confidence, and nobody will check your facts."
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