Hamas War

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Women's Rosh Chodesh Prayers

Biblical Shiloh is  traditional place for prayers. The story of Chana Hannah praying for a son in Shiloh is well-known. We have retuned.

There's a well developed archeological park, with a wide variety of activities in Ancient Tel Shiloh שילה הקדומה Shiloh Hakeduma Shiloh Hakeduma. It can be reached by car or public transportation. For more information contact the office 02-5789111 or email visit@telshilo.org.il

I hope you can join us.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #25: Bibi Must Fire Gallant, Plus ICC Update

I should have finished this a few days ago. Now the big news is about the ICC wanting to arrest Netanyahu and Gallant for trying to defeat the Hamas Gazan terrorists. There's a double irony in this.

One is something I've been saying for ages that the harder Bibi tries to look "moral" and caring of the Gazan civilians, the guiltier he looks to the world that hates us and the weaker we look to the Arab terrorists. 

Two is that Yoav Gallant has made such an effort to separate himself from Bibi, but to the haters of Israel, he's seen as Israel's Minister of Defense, no less guilty than Prime Minister Binyamin Bibi Netanyahu. This makes him as guilty as Netanyahu in their eyes.

Israel has been fighting a difficult defensive war of survival against internationally supported Arab terrorists for over half a year. Over a thousand Israelis, mostly innocent, davka Leftist --meaning that they had believed that we could make peace with the Arabs-- Israelis were murdered, sexually abused/attacked, decapitated, burnt alive, murdered and worse by Gazan terrorists. You may be wondering what I mean by "and worse." Considering that it has taken months and months to identify the victims by DNA tests, using various bones and body parts, "and worse" is a rather censored way of describing what the Gazans did.

I wrote "Gazans" and not "Hamas," because that attack, as documented in the photos from security cameras and the proud posts on social media by the perpetrators show clearly that Hamas is full of Gazan civilians. Terrorists don't need army uniforms, and Hamas is a terrorist movement.

Honestly I don't think there are many "innocent Gazan civilians," and if there are, they're in hiding. And to think that Fatah of the Palestinian Authority should rule Gaza "after" the war, that's a danger, since they want the destruction of the State of Israel. They are terrorist, too.

Yoav Gallant, Israel's Minister of Defense, has so far failed in defeating Hamas, but he's making demands on what the State of Israel must do after the war is over. Not only that, but he called a press conference to publicly demand that his boss Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu follow his orders, or else. He even gave Bibi a deadline, ironically, almost the exact date of the fifty-seventh 57th anniversary of the miraculous 1967 Six Day War.

Unfortunately, we're far from the victory we need for our very survival. That's not because of our IDF soldiers; it's because our national leadership is so weak.

About 200,000 Israelis have been displaced from their homes since October 7, 2023. Their "after" is what an Israeli minister should be concerned about. And considering that Gallant should have been fired long before the war for his antigovernment antics... he has now "progressed" to insurrection, not just insubordination. As Defense Minister, he's responsible for making sure the IDF defeats our enemy, not feeds our enemy.

We need a new IDF Chief of Staff and a new Minister of Defense. The upper echelons of the IDF should be replaced with those who had been kept down. 

Most important, Israel must immediately stop sending our officers to American "war colleges," where they have been brainwashed to follow incompetent military ideologies. Get real. The USA hasn't won a war since the middle of the 20th century, and they have never, ever had to fight a war like the one that Israel has to fight. They are not the experts. 

To be perfectly honest, I'm disgusted. If you read my old posts about Netanyahu, you'll know that I'm not surprised at his weakness.

Enough! We need strong leadership. Bibi must DO and not TALK!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #24: Time for Bibi to Distance Himself From Biden

In my previous War Musings,  USA vis-à-vis Israel, A Sadistic Abusive Relationship, I showed that the USA-Israel relationship is typical of serious emotional abuse. Now for another reason Prime Minister Binyamin Bibi Netanyahu must seriously distance himself from Biden and the Democrat Party.

Polls are showing that Biden and the extreme Left Progressive ANTI-ISRAEL Democrats are losing support in the United States. Republicans, especially President Donald Trump, are losing all respect for Netanyahu. 

It's time for Netanyahu to assert himself, act like the leader of an independent country -which he had been elected to be- and wean himself from the Biden administration "cold turkey." 

Biden and the Democrats are losing support, especially by those Americans who think and care about the State of Israel. Jews, who for generations, had been loyal Democrat voters, like Alan Dershowitz, now are traumatized as they realize that their party is supporting the anti-Israel and antisemitic university demonstrations. 

Bibi claims to be a wily, wise politician, but he's just acting like a pathetic victim of abuse. It's time to repair and expand Israel's relations with the Republican Party and Donald Trump. He shouldn't consider it "election interference" especially after Biden agreed with Schumer that Israel must vote Bibi out of office. 

I'm disgusted and embarrassed by Bibi Netanyahu's pathetic behavior.

Bibi, If You Can't Take the Heat, Get Out of the Kitchen!!.