But back to McCain, who is as different from Hillary and Obama as a politician can be.
As a strong, experienced US Army veteran, I have no doubt that his gut reaction is good when it comes to Israel. My problem is more with his staff and supporters, especially Joe Lieberman, failed VP nominee, formerly Democrat, now Independent, who sounds Republican, at least most of the time. Yes, Lieberman is not only Jewish, he's the most prominent Jewish Sabbath observer in the United States. When he ran for Vice President, Al Gore proudly reminisced that he had been Lieberman's "Shabbos goy."
Lieberman is a Leftist when it comes to Israel. He supports and strong United States, which is why he likes McCain, but he's one of those in LaLa Land about the Arab danger to Israel.
McCain's trust in Lieberman about Israel's security just strengthens Peres et al.

Didn't Lieberman's daughter protest at Amona?
I didn't hear that. Does he have a daughter here?
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