Hamas War

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Bibi vs Lieberman?

Polls show that Bibi and Lieberman are running neck and neck.

Don't forget:
  • these are just polls, not real elections
  • and in Israel one doesn't vote for people; we vote for parties

Those two points make things look very different.

For a few years we had a different system, through which Bibi was elected Prime Minister. There were two ballots, the Knesset and the Prime Minister. When the "ruling elite" saw that it gave the people more control/choice, they voted to resume the old system. So unlike the United States, there is no independent Executive body.

At this point, I wouldn't risk "predicting" results, since the government, while shaky, is still standing. There's lots of talk on the media about "the conduct of the war." They try to stack it with soldiers and officers willing to say that things were fine, but they can't and aren't ignoring the ever-growing protest movement.

Chodesh Tov!

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