Hamas War

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yisrael, Batach B'Hashem! Trust G-d, Not Bibi

Master of the smooth-talk Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has melted again.  That's margarine, he's made of, not granite.  A little heat and he's just a puddle of trans-fats.  Now the offer is three months of a YESHA building freeze, for what?  For nothing, just more pressure.

Bibi's building a house of straw.  If he's too weak to build with bricks, he ought to resign!


Anonymous said...

i dont get it. they make an offer -- not their first, mind you -- and you are already condemning bibi?!? wait to see what the offer is, wait to see if bibi crumbles, etc.

Anonymous said...

...and the ny times critiques bibi for exactly the opposite -- not compromising. the guy cant win!

Batya said...

a1, he has crumbled
a2, The NYT isn't an expert in Israeli security. They've probably written the obit already.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Yisrael got Bibi as a result of not trusting in Hashem in the first place. We got what we deserved.

The problem is we need some major wake up call to snap out of our stupidity. We've had several in the past but we're stuck on stupid.

Batya said...

Shy, yes, the downside of democracy is the rule of idiots. How many "wake up calls" do we need? Can we survive more?

Shtuey said...

Bibi is just a modern Esav, selling our birthright for 20 fighter jets and and an automatic veto in the UN for anti-Israel resolutions. Some friend that Obama.

Batya said...

shtuey, it's more complicated than that. Bibi has potential. What a waste of G-d given talents.