After a person dies, it's very common for their loved ones, family and friends to look for projects to memorialize him/her, so his/her name will live on and give something good to others. Our local synagogue was built and furnished as a memorial for many people. Not only was our synagogue's recent expansion paid for as donations in memory of various members who died from illness or were murdered in terror attacks, but the neighbor who supervised the building did it while his wife was dying of cancer. It was a mitzvah for the community that he could do two minutes' walk from his home. Our beautiful social hall is named for her, so she's with us at every joyous occasion.
Siblings, family and friends of two neighborhood teenagers who were murdered in separate terror attacks, Shmuel Yerushalmi, HaYa"D, and Yonatan Eldar, HaYa"D, wrote, researched, photographed and published a guidebook for hiking in the Shiloh area.
RivkA bat Yeshaya of Coffee and Chemo had many interests, so I'm sure that there will be a multitude of memorials in her name. The first I know of is a gmach (loan society) of top quality breast pumps to help mothers breastfeed their babies even when they can't be with them all the time, or if there are medical reasons the mother's milk must be given in other ways. It's called Meneket RivkA, and information can be found here.
Tizku l'mitzvot, may you be rewarded with more mitzvot...
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