Hamas War

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Shiloh Conference #3 כנס שילה Kennes Shiloh

Era Rapaport
Shiloh Hakeduma
Tel Shiloh
Shiloh Conference #3 כנס שילה Kennes Shiloh took place today, and it was wonderful! There were tours and lectures. I took the tour led by my neighbor Era Rapaport, and I must say that even though I'm at Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh every month, if not more frequently, I saw things I've never seen before or knew existed, and I learned a lot.

Reproductions of the ancient Biblical storage jugs found along the walls of Tel Shiloh

We even went to the new museum which is in the bottom floor of the  מגדל הרואהת Migdal Haro'eh, Observation Tower, which also has the impressive movie presentation upstairs. As you can see, the conference was attended by people of all ages. It takes place in Hebrew.

I hope that the lectures will be available online. I missed the last two, and from what my husband said, they really were great. One thing that I heard from a speaker was that although one of the first Israeli archaeologists who spent a lot of time digging in Tel Shiloh, Yisrael Finkelstein, is known for trying to disprove the Bible, Shiloh has consistently proven him wrong. The discoveries here in Shiloh reconfirm the Biblical narrative.

It's definitely worth visiting the site and even taking a tour if you can. Guided tours can be arranged through the Shiloh HaKeduma, Ancient Shiloh office. Email visit@telshilo.org.il  or phone 02-994-4019.

Take Off Your Leftist Tinted Glasses

It's sad, no tragic that too many people refuse to accept the truth, even when it's not only staring them in the eyes but exploding right in front of them. That is the situation of the Israeli Left. You'd think that the Gazan launched rockets, missiles weapons falling in Tel Aviv would do the wake-up trick pretty effectively, but they still subscribe to their fantasy of "if Israel would just ... then I have no doubt that the Arabs would be peaceful." sic.

I keep hearing this on the Israeli media. So-called experts refuse to read the writing on the wall or listen to the sirens and explosions all around them.

Jibril Rajoub

Even worse is the fact that the Israeli media gives our enemies the chance to tell their side of the story, as if this is a simple debate about who should get the larger piece of chocolate cake.

Time after time I keep hearing the so-called "experts" saying that peace depends on Israeli concessions, that even after decades of our being forced to defend ourselves from constant Arab terrorist aggression, attacks, we can achieve peace "if only..."

This fairy tale must stop. There will be war between the Arab terrorists and Israel until there is a major change in Arab thinking.

A Gazan "Marshall Plan" will not make for a rehabilitated peaceful Gaza. Just like they have done in the past, they will use the cement, not for schools, hospitals and shelters, but to make bunkers and tunnels to attack Israel.

Truth may hurt the ego, but that's nothing compared to the price of the Gazan Arab terrorist attacks, whether they land in Israel or misfire and kill Gazan Arabs.
As many as 25 percent of Hamas rocket attacks against Israel in the current Israel-Hamas war don’t make it out of Gaza and strike civilians inside the coastal enclave, Algemeiner Editor Dovid Efune asserted in an interview on Real News TV on Friday.
Asked about an explosion at a UN school on Thursday, which killed at least 15, according to Gazan reports, Efune pointed to the IDF’s claim that the source of the munition may have been Hamas.
Efune said, “This is really a watershed moment, which brings up a fundamental issue which is never discussed in the mainstream media and that is this: you have hundreds and thousands of rockets that are being shot out of Gaza. In our estimations, at least 25 percent of those rockets do not make it into Israel and fall short into Gaza.” (Algeneimer)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Peres and Herzog Totally Re-Writing History

Barely twenty-four hours after hearinBassam Eid of Activists for Human Rights in the Palestinian Authority at the Israel Advocacy Seminar run by David Bedein, with the assistance of Gail Winston and the "Winston Israel News" in memory of her late husband Manny, I heard former President Shimon Peres and soon after him, Issak Herzog, head of the Israeli opposition and Leftist Labor Party leader on television spouting the exact opposite.

Now, what did Bassam Eid say? 

Bassam Eid ended his talk saying that the Arabs of Gaza and the Arabs of the West Bank are not the same. They don't have the same customs, accent etc. The two groups shouldn't be considered as one.

Isaac Herzog and Shimon Peres Photo: Mark Neiman/GPO
And what did I hear from Peres and Herzog*?  

They claim that Mahmoud Abbas should be ruling both "the west bank" and Gaza. Somehow Gaza was taken away from him. 

There are a few very peculiar things here. One is that Bassam Eid is an Arab who calls himself a Palestinian, and he does not consider Gaza as part of the west bank/Palestine. If the Arabs really consider it all one "people," then I think that Eid would know and make the point. But his point is that Gazans are separate/different.  I wonder how many of you consider that rather interesting and can be proof of...  (Please comment if that makes you begin to wonder...)

*It's clear that Peres and Herzog's statements about Gaza being politically part of the "west bank" on the same day were no coincidence. When I was looking for a photo of the two of them, I found one that illustrated an article in the Jerusalem Post that stresses the close connection between the two men. It even calls Peres the "mentor" of Herzog. That doesn't surprise me especially considering what Herzog also said on television. Very much in the mold of Shimon Peres he did his best to undermine Prime Minister Netanyahu talking of how he would do a much better job running the war.

This war isn't yet over, and the Left has begun to campaign against the government.

Unbelievably Difficult Challenge for Pro-Israel Students on Campuses

Yesterday, I met, listened to, spoke to and observed a few dozen young campus activists who were trying to learn and absorb tools to enable them to not only cope with the terrible malignant anti-Israel atmosphere in university campuses around the world, but to try to find the magic potion to change the minds of the enemy Arab activists they study with. Yes, that's a very difficult, almost insurmountable challenge even for the most knowledgeable expert in history, psychology, propaganda and public relations.

I attended the Israel Advocacy Seminar run by David Bedein, with the assistance of Gail Winston and the "Winston Israel News" in memory of her late husband Manny.

The seminar was organized to help the students mostly on foreign campuses throughout the world, although it was attended by people of all ages. Today we are all in a position to advocate for Israel. That is the beauty of social media.  Even a simple email gives one a very powerful tool. I spoke to the group about blogging, telling them that with a blog they own and run their own internet newspaper or magazine. It can be done without expending any money. You don't even need a computer. A tablet or smartphone will do the trick.

Considering that I'm old enough to be the grandmother of the students, I was very curious about the world they live in. They were pretty quiet when given the opportunity to question Noam Bedein of the Sederot Media Center,

Nobody asked Bassam Eid of Activists for Human Rights in the Palestinian Authority the question that ran through my mind about the legitimacy of the term "Palestinian" after hearing what he had to say. Bli neder, not an oath, I'll blog about that in another post.

The speaker who really woke them up was the factual and blunt Sha'i Ben Tekoa, author of the invaluable book Phantom Nation: Inventing the "Palestinians" as the Obstacle to Peace. His invaluable information was received by many as if it was a diagnosis of cancer. Today's young students were there to get an easy to swallow pill to counteract the anti-Israel atmosphere, professors and activists on campus, and Sha'i informed them that there was no easy cure. No simple pill, slogan or formula. They begged him. They argued with him.

I just wanted to cry, to hug them. 
Kids, the world hates us. You're not going to change them. All we can do for you is to try to make you stronger and clarify the facts.

There were also older participants who couldn't or wouldn't accept the simple fact that it's useless and dangerous to negotiate with the Arabs, since their word can't be trusted. I agree with Sha'i Ben Tekoa that this is a fact and not racism.

Sha'i gave the history, well-documented, about the myth, lie, fallacy of Arab Palestine. I strongly suggest reading his book or getting him as a speaker in English or Hebrew. Certainly check out his site. And listen to him here, which is the basic talk he gave to us.

I didn't stay until the end of the program, my loss for sure.

"Living Beyond Terrorism," A Book Review

When I heard about the book "Living Beyond Terrorism" by  Zieva Konvisser, Publisher: Gefen Publishing House, I just knew I had to review it. Of course I had to, because I'm a surivor of an Arab terror attack. I was even lightly wounded.

The people and families written about in this book makes everything I experienced "small potatoes." 

Living Beyond Terrorism was davka hard for me to get into. I began reading it weeks and weeks ago. And then more than half way through there were sections I just couldn't put down.

It's basically a compilation of reports with updates about the Arab terror victims, many who make a point of calling themselves "survivors" and the family members of people killed/murdered in Arab terror attacks. A few of the subjects are Arabs, themselves. No politics is brought up. It's a book about the people.  But there is one very glaring fact, at least to me. It seems like the majority of the terror attacks take place in what we could euphemistically call "Israel proper" or inside the "green line." The fatal attacks took place in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem and other places.

Living Beyond Terrorism is not a book about the dangers of living in Judea and Samaria. If I were to sum it up, I'd make that point. Arab terrorists target Israelis all over the country, because their aim is to destroy the State of Israel and replace it with a terror state. That is not Konvisser's message; it's mine.

I found it interesting that some of the people, although claiming that they are functioning fine refused to allow Konvisser to use their names. For others that wasn't a problem.

For many people the injuries have caused long-term and permanent medical problems. And others still suffer emotional pain and post trauma syndrome, which is the profession of Konvisser. The book is the compilation of interviews and evaluations done over a period of years with terror attack survivors, victims and the bereaved. It's not a book everyone can get through. It wasn't cohesively edited.

This is a book for people brave and curious enough to try to understand and feel how others feel who have been attacked, injured and violated. It may also be good for those who are trying to recover from terror and need to know that their feelings are normal.

Right now Israel is suffering through a war for its survival, and unfortunately the tools to help the traumatized, the injured, the survivors and the bereaved are desperately needed.

Format: Paperback
ISBN 10: 9652296430
ISBN 13: 9789652296436
Catalog Number: 9789652296436
Number of Pages: 356
Year Published: 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

JewishIsrael Reports Deception on the Messianic Christian Front

Posted by JewishIsrael.com

Messianic Madness: A New Twist on Anti-Semitism a la Asher Intrater

Certain evangelizing organizations have recently taken their grotesque game of distortion and deception to new depths as they toy with and attempt to commandeer the sensitive topic of anti-Semitism. But missionary Asher Intrater of Revive Ministries may have just broken the absurd-o-meter with a recently published article in Charisma Magazine“What is the Root of anti-Semitism?”.

It goes without saying that Intrater will not win any converts or friends with his outrageous theological acrobatics and revisionism. ...more

Financially Transparent Deception and Honorable Deceit

Michael Decker is an Israeli Evangelical attorney. Decker and his partner Calev Myers of the Jerusalem Institute of Justice (JIJ) are in the forefront of the battle for messianic aliyah and “Judeo-Christian” rights in Israel. They are among those Evangelicals determined to change the Jewish nature of the State of Israel and the very definition of Judaism. In the name of "civil rights, freedom of religion, and social justice" they regularly offer pro bono advice to those hoping to advance a messianic Christian and missionary agenda in Israel
Most recently Michael Decker provided information in the messianic publication “Israel Today” which paves the road for those missionaries who strive to establish legal non-profit proselytizing entities in the Jewish statemore

Dumb Question: If We Just Have a Ceasefire and Then Return to "Status Quo," Won't the Gazan Arab Hamas Terrorists Just Build More Tunnels?

Maybe I'm crazy, but it seems to me that if there aren't some very radical changes in Gaza, they will just resume their terrorist activities against us.  We know that the United Nations and all sorts of "peacekeeping forces" never do anything that would endanger themselves, like stopping terrorists from building missiles, underground bunkers, networks of tunnels etc.

Most countries that contribute forces are more sympathetic to the Arab terrorist than to Israel.

People of my generation and older will never forget how the United Nations peacekeeping forces fled the minute Nasser said that he wanted to destroy Israel in 1967.

Why would Israel want a ceasefire. It would just signify our weakness that we blinked first. Kerry is even claiming that Bibi requested it.
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has asked for fresh US help in trying to broker a ceasefire in Gaza, top US diplomat John Kerry said Tuesday.
"Last night we talked, and the prime minister talked to me about an idea and a possibility of a ceasefire. He raised it with me, as he has consistently," Kerry said.
Netanyahu had said he "would embrace a ceasefire that permits Israel to protect itself against the tunnels and obviously not be disadvantaged for the great sacrifice they have made thus far." (Arutz 7)
Where's the truth and where's the logic? Why should we have to go thought this again and again? Each time we pay with more lives.

An Israeli army officer gives explanations to journalists on July 25, 2014 during an army organised tour in a tunnel said to be used by Palestinian militants for cross-border attacks. Israel launched its military offensive aiming at destroying tunnels used by militants. AFP Photo

Read more: http://www.thenational.ae/israeli-military-give-media-tour-of-gaza-tunnels#ixzz38sfPSw8g
Follow us: @TheNationalUAE on Twitter | thenational.ae on Facebook

The Power of the Written Word

The power of the written word By Shifra Shomron When I autograph my novel Grains of Sand: The Fall of Neve Dekalim, I sign it: "Beyond time and beyond location - into my Gush Katif." It's now nearly nine years since the expulsion from Gush Katif, and I hope readers will be able to see and feel what Gush Katif residents experienced; during the years of beauty, the shadow of Arab terror and the stuggle against the disengagement. Interwoven are themes of family, love of nature, schooldays, the importance of community, the value of the individual, and facing one's fears.

Liane Chsherbakov was a young child living with her family in Ashdod during the expulsion. She recently read Grains of Sand: The Fall of Neve Dekalim. In this book review, she explains how the current security situation as well as her university studies help her connect to Gush Katif.

Another point of view
By Liane Chsherbakov

I was a little girl, only nine years old and in fourth grade, when The Disengagement happened. So at 18 I don’t remember it well. I remember always hearing about it on the news. At the time, as well as throughout my studies, school teachers seldom spoke about it. I never thought about The Disengagement since it wasn’t close to me. I hadn’t ever been to Gush Katif, didn’t know anyone living there, and never thought about it.

I understood from the media, television and news that The Disengagement was for the good of the people living there. I saw the event like it was a road leading to peace especially since the media reported over and over again: the people of Gush Katif are getting good conditions. I never gave any thought about how the people living there felt, what the youth and kids my own age were going through or how I would feel if it happened to me.

Reading Grains Of Sand The Fall Of Neve Dekalim as an 18 years old made me see and understand the settlers’ perspective. This was an entirely new point of view for me to consider. It made me think and question. The book is told through the life of Efrat, a teenager who tries to keep her routine normal. Efrat has to deal with things that a teenager shouldn’t have to like struggling with her own government to protect her.

Thanks to this book I could enter and experience what life was like there. I connected with Efrat worrying about her test grades and studying for the bagruts. I could relate to her being frightened from projectiles because here in Ashdod we’ve also been hit by rockets – and I had to take tests and study at school, run to the bomb shelter room with all this happening around me, too. This was after The Disengagement. Where was the peace I was led to believe in?

Now that I’m studying communications at the university I am more aware of how the media affects people's opinion. The media produces a reality. The book related to my studies, as it shows the difference between the way I remember the disengagement from the media images, based on the government orders, and how the girl from the book describes the event. It's important to hear more than one side of a story.

I don’t read books often. In fact, Grains Of Sand The Fall Of Neve Dekalim is the first novel I’ve read in English. It has motivated me to read more. It wasn’t just interesting; it helped me practice my English skills. It’s written in simple language that’s nice to read.

I definitely recommend reading Grains Of Sand The Fall Of Neve Dekalim. With our political situations, an event like the Disengagement could happen again. We have to hear the side of the victim and not only the official government (mis)information, like I did before reading this book.

Take "Two State Solution" Off of Table!!

As all of you who are familiar with my writing should know by now, I've never been in favor of this "two state solution." I've always considered it not only dangerous and unworkable, but it has always been clear to me that those who invented and promoted the concept, the fiction of a "Palestinian People" did it to supplant, replace destroy Zionism and the State of Israel.

Carefully examine and research history, and you'll never find such a people, society, grouping etc.

Over the millennia, the reason various armies, countries etc. attempted to invade, conquer, rule or destroy this small piece of land in the Middle East is simply a facet of antisemitism. The only people to ever independently rule this area have been the Jewish People. We had Judges, Prophets, Kingdoms and Kings for well over a thousand years. It has always been our spiritual center. First was a period of close to four hundred years when the Mishkan, the Holy Tabernacle stood here in Shiloh.

Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh, where the Biblical Tabernacle stood for Jewish worship for 369 years

Not only is it documented in the Bible, yes, the same Bible recognized by Christians as well as Jews, but archaeological excavations and research confirm it. If you understand spoken Hebrew, I suggest that you attend the כנס שילה Kennes Shiloh, Shiloh Conference this Thursday afternoon from 3pm at Shiloh Hakeuma, Tel Shiloh.

Just read the news, and you'll see that it's Fatah, no different from Hamas which is promoting the destruction of the State of Israel. So how can our government subscribe to the idea of giving them a state? Check out PMW:
Fatah incites violence: We are "as shining swords"
Caption: "Fatah - The Main Page"

"In the name of Allah the Merciful 'Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory.'

Protect the sanctuary and protect them
Knights of the sanctuary are holding the flags
Whenever they [Israelis] go crazy, and when our eyes are closed
We open our eyes on the sanctuary and its borders
When the land calls its men, it finds us as shining swords
There's nothing more precious. We kneel only to the Creator
When the land calls its men, it finds us as shining swords
There's nothing more precious. We kneel only to the Creator." 
Facebook, Fatah - The Main PageJuly 28, 2014(1 min)

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Moshiach Must Be Here, Pro-Right Hard-line Israeli Articles in "The Forward!"

I usually take a quick look at the headlines on the daily headlines sent to my inbox by The Jewish Daily Forward and then I quickly delete the mail. There is rarely anything I bother clicking to read. actually I can't remember the last time I read one of their articles until tonight. Three caught my eye:
I'm Done Apologizing By Menachem Creditor
My Pro-Israel Dad Was Right
‘Anti-Israel’ or ‘Anti-Semitic’? BY SIGAL SAMUEL

A man demonstrates at a Hong Kong rally calling for an end to Israel’s war in Gaza / Getty Images

Read more: http://blogs.forward.com/forward-thinking/202924/when-anti-israel-looks-like-anti-semitism/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Opinion&utm_campaign=Opinion%202014-07-28#ixzz38nMtbkC8
I find it so encouraging to discover that there are open-minded Jews willing to look at what the State of Israel is suffering from Arab terrorism with new eyes. I suggest you read all of the articles. They are neither long nor complicated to understand.

All I can say is thank G-d, Baruch Hashem.

Today is Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av, and may this month truly be a comfort. So many parents are suffering the death and injuries of their family members by Gazan Arab terrorists. Homes have been seriously damaged by Gazan terrorists. Yes, there's a serious war going on.

Next month on the Jewish Calendar is Ellul, the month of Teshuva, repentance. May we all return to G-d and keep His Commandments.

Those Tunnels, The Dangers

The most shocking thing revealed during this war, which should be called Complete the Mission! Sayyem et HaMissimah!סיים את המשימה, is the advanced, dangerous and surprising to our military experts, sophistication of the tunnels the Hamas Gazan Arab terrorists have constructed going into Israel. No doubt they got lots of professional help from all sorts of NGO's which claim to be for "peaceful aims."

There are a few short videos going around which give an idea of what they are used for. They are not for smuggling in drugs or refugees. They have been designed and constructed to facilitate the invasion of terrorist soldiers, equipped like in the most advanced and affluent armies.  Watch:

That's why the tunnels must be destroyed!

And at the same time we have to attack and destroy Gaza until they surrender, and we must demand the total dismantling of UNWRA which has been supporting the Arab terrorists in their attacks on Israel. The terrorists want the State of Israel to be destroyed, so there's no way to negotiate with them.

Stop dreaming!  Israel also must state very clearly that the "two state solution" is not to be. We cannot have a terror state in our midst. Remember that the P.A.'s Abbas joined forces with Hamas just before all the crisis and kidnapping of the three Jewish teenagers began.

The Jewish Month of Av began today. May it truly be a menachem Av, the Month of comfort and victory, not of destruction.

If The USA was a Good Friend of Israel, It Would Make Our Needs THE PRIORITY

IMRA has made an interesting comparison of American versus European statements about Hamas.
Compare and contrast:
"1....The EU calls on Hamas to immediately put an end to these acts and to renounce violence. All terrorist groups in Gaza must disarm. The EU strongly condemns calls on the civilian population of Gaza to provide themselves as human shields." EU Council conclusions on the Middle East Peace Process Summary: 22 July 2014, Brussels - Council of the European Union Foreign Affairs
"The President stressed the U.S. view that, ultimately, any lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must ensure the disarmament of terrorist groups and the demilitarization of Gaza."
That's right: The European Union insists that "All terrorist groups in Gaza must disarm". Period. But President "we have Israel's back" Obama see disarming of the terrorists as something that will happen "ultimately" and within the context of a "lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ."
Put in plain English: if those damn Israelis don't sit down and sign a final status agreement with the Palestinians then as far as President Obama is concerned Hamas can keep its entire armory intact.
Take note also that while the EU condemns Hamas for its role in causing Palestinian civilians deaths Mr. Obama is silent on the matter.
Before you claim that America supports Israel financially, I'd like to remind you that you're wrong. The so-called aid is just a way for the USA to prop up its military industries and dispose of all sorts of surplus supplies. American aid isn't money. It's shop in the USA gift certificates. That is good for the ailing American economy, but it's awful for Israel. It means that instead of being more self-sufficient there are products we don't produce, which we are capable of producing. And when, which happens frequently, Israeli engineers suggest improvements on the military products, it's the United States, and not Israel that benefits from those improved items.

Another important fact to note is that the Israeli public is overwhelmingly in favor of finally destroying the Hamas terrorist capabilities. The army's morale is high, and the public is sick and tired of these ceasefires that just give the terrorists an opportunity to rearm and improve their position. Once and for all, Israelis want a change in basic policy and refuse to be pacified by fancy words and ceremonies. IMRA published a poll showing the numbers.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Poll: 87%:7% Continue operation, 69%17% Destroy Hamas
Poll: 87%:7% Continue operation, 69%17% Destroy Hamas
Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA 27 July 2014

Poll commissioned by Channel 10 news carried out by the Sarid Institute and
reported today:

Do you support continuing the operation or a complete ceasefire?
Continue 87% Ceasefire 7% Don't know 6%

Should the operation in the Gaza Strip conclude with bringing down the Hamas
Yes 69% No 17% Don't know 14% 
This cartoon is old but hasn't changed its relevance. Thanks, Hadassa.

"How do you say ceasefire in Arabic?"

Sunday, July 27, 2014

IDF Morale, Soldiers Feel Happy and Proud

We keep hearing of injured soldiers who keep begging to be allowed back on the front-lines to finish the job of destroying our enemies.

A friend posted this on facebook:
A commander in the paratroopers, who returned from battle yesterday, requested that the following be publicized: "Explain to everybody that we're winning every battle, at every point, in every encounter. The soldiers are absorbing this melancholy spirit from the social networks and don't understand what the situation really is. Of course it's hard, complicated, they use children as a wall against us, but we are succeeding and overcoming Hamas. Please, pass this message on, explain, spread this there. We, soldiers of the IDF, are simply winning."
I had an interesting conversation recently with a called-up reservist who said that he was writing skits for short movies to give a spiritual lift to the IDF soldiers. The entertainment he and his unit are producing isn't just for laughs.

And as I posted the other day, even the families of the wounded want us to finish the job. I'll never forget the mother of an injured soldier who was asked what message she had for her other son who is out fighting.
"Complete the Mission! Sayyem et HaMissimah! סיים את המשימה"

May they do their jobs well and return home safe and sound, G-d willing.

אֵלֶּה מַסְעֵי "These are the Stops" and These are this Week's Blog Posts in Havel Havelim

In terms of Weekly Torah Portions, we've just finished the Book of Bamidbar, In The Desert aka Numbers, but here in the Holyland, there is still a war going on. I'm finding it very difficult to concentrate on putting together this edition of Havel Havelim.

Please make my efforts and the efforts of all of the bloggers included worthwhile by sharing this post far and wide. Sharing means to send the link to lots of people. It also means to read the posts, comment and share them individually, too, please and thank you.

Havel Havelim is the weekly international Jewish blog carnival. A blog carnival is an internet magazine. Havel Havelim is well over a decade old and has been floating around the internet from blog to blog ever since Soccer Dad, who no longer blogs, started it. We now organize ourselves and communicate via our facebook page. If you need more information contact me by email with "HH" or "HH Info" as subject shilohmuse at gmail dot com . Next week's host is Tzivia, Adventures in Aliyahland submit before Shabbat to tzivia@aliyahland.com. Please send her your link (from this week) with a blurb/short explanation, thanks.

You don't need to be a blogger to enjoy, read and share Havel Havelim!!"
Just to make things clear, I don't necessarily agree with everything in the posts included here. The International Jewish blogging community includes a great variety of opinions. Bloggers, if you want to be included, please send your link to the host of the week. Otherwise there's little chance we'll find you. Enough with the explanations; on with the show!

12 Jerusalem Scenes with Israel Under Fire, "So much more going on that media does not share or show."
Complete the Mission! Sayyem et HaMissimah! סיים את המשימה
ILLUMINATIONS OF RAV KOOK-HARAV HA’NAZIR AND THE SCROLL OF WAR AND PEACE, In the aftermath of the Holocaust and during the brutal battles of the 1948 Israel War of Independence, HaRav HaNazir TZ”L was moved to write a document that he called “The Scroll of War and Peace.”
The Lowest of the Low: Who We're Really Dealing With
MK Elazar Stern's "Kosher Style" Restaurants!
Only in Israel: About 20,000 Attend Funeral of Sean Carmeli, HaYa"D, Lone Soldier
Shiva for Sean Carmeli, "Sderot, Beer Sheva, and a hero's shiva. Way to cram in a ton of emotion in a single day... but then, that's Israel, sometimes."
Jews in America! Get on the Next Plane while you still Can!
The Show Must Go On
Rosh Chodesh Av on Monday, Remember Menu Change! The "nine days" start tomorrow!
What Are You? A Soldier of the State or a Jew, a Soldier of Hashem?
Welcome Home to the New Olim
The Danger of Foreign Intervention
It’s not the journey, it’s the purpose
My Walk, and the Tragedy at the UN School
Crazy Two Weeks
Painfully Deja Vu, Terror Attack at the Bus Stop Memories of a terror survivor...
Toda Raba Dear Soldiers.........
Look Jon, Concrete Tunnels!
Child Abuse
Locked Out of Har HaBayit, The Temple Mount, Just Because I'm a Jew!

Dry Bones

Again, I'd like to remind you to read, comment and share the various posts I've included in this edition of Havel Havelim! May this be a truly wonderful week for all of us!

The Only American Guarantee I Would Accept!

Let them "put their money where their mouth is" as the saying goes.

By the way where is Kerry right now?

I would love to see the American Government place American families of American Consulate and Embassy staff in ordinary, non-fortified apartments in Ashkelon, Netivot, Sederot etc and then tell us how easy it is to trust Hamas and negotiate for peace.

A home in Ashkelon was severely damaged by a rocket fired from Gaza.
  Copyright: IDF Spokesperson

That's it. We all know that those Hamas rockets from Gaza would seem a lot more dangerous if they were aimed at official Americans, not just the expats  and ordinary Israelis who do live there, in the "affected areas." The American Government should send the staff from Hertzliya to vacation on the pastoral border kibbutzim which have the tunnel exits for some R&R. They should be joined by the families of the heads of the NGO's which support "Palestinian rights" and "humanitarian needs."

No doubt they wouldn't agree to come, because...

.... you can't trust the Hamas's word when it comes to peace.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Is a Ceasefire in Israel's Interests?

Everyone seems to be stressing the "humanitarian" aspect of the ceasefire for the enemy Arabs.
Palestinians sift through rubble, leave for day to shop for provisions and check home during pause in fighting.
Palestinians walk past destroyed houses in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip July 26, 2014. Photo: REUTERS
A 12-hour humanitarian truce went into effect on Saturday after Israel and Palestinian terror groups in the Gaza Strip agreed to a UN request for a pause in fighting and efforts proceeded to secure a long-term ceasefire moved ahead. (Jerusalem Post)

But just like they never used all that cement we let in Gaza for their citizens's humanitarian needs, who's going to guarantee us that they aren't reinforcing or booby-trapping the tunnels to cause more Israeli deaths?

IMRA asked a very crucial question about the ceasefire:
IDF Spokesperson to IMRA: No explosives used to destroy tunnels during the humanitarian ceasefire Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 26 July 2014
The IDF Spokesperson's Office told IMRA tonight that during the course of the humanitarian ceasefire the IDF does not use explosives to destroy the tunnels.
It should be noted that this means that tunnels are NOT being destroyed during the humanitarian ceasefire 
The IDF discovered at least 4 tunnels today.
Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA 
What are we using now, toothpicks?