It would be nice to have a day in which our minds were erased of pain and tragedy. Actually, that's what the Left would want. That's what Peres probably means when he says that we shouldn't be burdened or restricted by history.
Pain is a warning. It says:
Watch out!
This could damage something.
When we use pain killers, local anesthetics, it's like stuffing our ears from warnings. We can do serious damage to our bodies.
We have a Memorial Day to remind us that we have enemies who want us destroyed, and they don't care how many of our neighbors, children, siblings, spouses etc they kill. They want us all dead.
We must remember never to give into our fears and never forget that we must survive and strive for a great strong secure country.
We must remember that we don't need anybody's approval.
All we need is G-d, and G-d wants us here. And G-d wants us to fight for our Land and country. That's why we have Memorial Day.
And as the sun sets on Memorial Day we thank G-d, say Hallel and celebrate Yom Ha'Atzmaut, Israel's Independence Day.

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