I cannot stress how urgent this is. Many of us have been following this for days, even weeks, but now the situation is of utmost urgency. Please pray, in whatever way you can, for this wonderful Rabbi [name is below] who has done SO MUCH for the Jewish People, the Land of Israel, and the Torah!!!
15:36 PM - 16 Iyar 5768, May 21, '08 - IsraelNN.com
Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, former chief rabbi of Israel and a widely respected leader of the national religious movement suffered a stroke a short time ago. He is partly unconscious and is hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of Sha'arei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem.
Psalms are to be said for a recovery for Rabbi Mordechai Tzemach ben Mazal Tov.
UPDATE, Wed. evening: Later today, Rav Eliyahu regained consciousness, and was brought to Hadassah Ein-Kerem hospital in Jerusalem. Please continue your prayers, thanks!
UPDATE, Thursday 10 AM: Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu returned to Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center in Jerusalem in the early morning hours Thursday following a delicate neurological procedure carried out overnight at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, also in Jerusalem.
The venerable rabbi suffered a stroke as well as cardiac arrest on Wednesday, a scant month after suffering a major heart attack. The public is asked to continue with their prayers.
The venerable rabbi suffered a stroke as well as cardiac arrest on Wednesday, a scant month after suffering a major heart attack. The public is asked to continue with their prayers.
UPDATE, Sunday afternoon: Hebrew websites are reporting further improvement for Rav Eliyahu Shlita. He has been breathing completely on his own since last night. His condition remains very serious, however, and we are to continue praying for Mordechai Tzemach ben Mazal Tov.
UPDATE, Wed. May 28: The Rabbi is still in intensive care. He is conscious, but has difficulty speaking. A prayer rally will be held on his behalf this afternoon at 5:30 PM at the Kotel, see above.
A wonderful post, with pics of the Rabbi and the Prayer Rally, can be found at Planet Israel, here.
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