Hamas War

Sunday, May 18, 2008

They're All The Same

I feel like a broken recorded with my repetitions of the fact that the same Arab terrorists who keep attacking us in Israel and to whom the world, including the United State's George Bush and Condeleezza Rice, have promised its very own state are the same terrorists who attacked the USA on 9-11.

America claims to have declared no holds barred war against them, but it's not true at all. Standing by, standing tall are all just ways of saying standing still "against" the unending Arab terror here in the HolyLand.

The Arabs are having a good laugh.

Until the world gets to the root of the problem and destroys it, it will just continue to grow. You can't placate terrorists. Being nice, paying them off etc won't make them into peace-loving people. Is Israel breaking its own taboo on talks with Hamas? Israeli politicians are playing a very dangerous game.
Our HolyLand isn't a Monopoly board. Real people live here. Just because the world is cheering us on isn't a good reason to continue this Masada-like slide. It's no surprise that the Olmerts took the Bushes there. We must stop these dangerous policies immediately!

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