My musings, reflections on life here in Shiloh, Israel. Original, personal, spiritual and political. Peace, security and Israeli sovereignty. While not a "group blog," Shiloh Musings includes the voices of other Jews in The Land of Israel. **Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged. Thank you.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
There are lots more posts under the reminder to pray for Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu
"Gaza Belt?"
Now, I've been trying to figure out who and when did Israel's south, the Sderot, Ashkelon area get that new name, "Gaza Belt." The term isn't used in a the media. For instance, when I did search of Ynet, the closest was:
Friday, May 30, 2008

The venerable rabbi suffered a stroke as well as cardiac arrest on Wednesday, a scant month after suffering a major heart attack. The public is asked to continue with their prayers.
South of Jerusalem
There are many more Jews in Gush Etzion, and the housing values are tremendous. That's not just because the average home is larger.
Before I became an English teacher, over ten years ago, I worked "in advertising" for the regional phonebooks. There was no comparison. The Gush Etzion book was full of ads, large expensive ones, many from local businesses. My area's book was much tougher to fill, even though there were many more communities.
Gush Etzion is concentrated in a much smaller area, and most of the communities are just a few minutes from Jerusalem, while Mateh Binyamin is enormous, and the closest Jerusalem neighborhood, Pisgat Zeev is an outlying one, far from the city center, which can't be accessed by a simple sidewalk.
Within minutes most residents of Gush Etzion can travel to a local shopping center and visit the various yishuvim. Mateh Binyamin is spread between Latrun, between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, the Jordan Valley and Samaria. Our "shopping center" is an isolated spot in southern Binyamin, north of Pisgat Zeev. There's a big discount supermarket, health clinic, clothing store and a few others.
Many of our Gush Etzion friends built their large homes rather cheaply with local Arabs, even in some of the more ideological communities. Quick, easy access to Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh mean that the simplest homes are worth more than ours.
Egged bus company seems more "forgiving" than they are by us. When we were waiting for the bus to Jerusalem in Elazar, after the Bar Mitzvah, I was amazed to see the bus stop unlabeled and blocked off by a large garbage bin and cars.
If we would dare do that, we'd get hell from Egged and no bus.
All in all, I'm not sorry that we didn't move to Tekoa or Efrat, the first yishuvim we had seriously looked at. Shiloh is where I'm meant to be.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
This! I Kid You Not
The "Imagine" Party--"Imagine we can do whatever we want,No court would dare oppose us."
"You can find someone of any ideology."
If Olmert actually falls as a result of Talansky's testimony, it will be because of a deal between the police and one of his cohorts. Will loyal secretary-assistant Shula Zacken take the plunge to save herself and make a deal?
As an interesting little "aside," while looking for a link which lists terror attacks during Barak's nightmare for Israel as Prime Minister, I found a letter Natan Sharansky wrote opposing Barak's proposals to the Arab terrorists. Barak's offer is so similar to Olmert's policies, if not worse, that no rational Israeli would ever want Barak back in power. I said "rational Israeli," didn't I? Well, according to the polls, 30% of the Israeli public believe Olmert's version of things. And many don't see what's wrong with having a "private bank." Don't forget that Shmuel Flatto-Sharon had no problem getting elected to Knesset on the platform, of "elect me to Knesset, so the French won't jail me for embezzlement."
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the Rav of Tzfat and son of Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu Shlita, is calling for a prayer rally today at the Kotel [Western Wall, Jerusalem] at 5:30 pm. The details are above in Hebrew [click on it to enlarge]. Those coming from outside Jerusalem can call 02-651-4399 for info about travel arrangements. New signs that were posted today have many other Rabbis joining the call, from across the spectrum: Ashkenzaim, Sephardim, Chassidic, Lithuanian, etc.
We will continue to provide updates on the Rabbi's condition as they come in. See post below.
The Pot Calling The Kettle Black
Both the Prime Minister and Labor chairman Barak are anxious to keep Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni from heading the government. They consider her to be too weak to lead a government (complete article)
Laughing is so healthy...
Just Curious

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I should have read the NY Times first

Elections are big money. American legislators have been trying to regulate donations. Of course it's a bit like the cat guarding the cream, but there must be regulations.
Israel has laws, but they're not adhered to.
Olmert's legal "problems" are beginning to sound like the perils of Pauline...
I honestly believe that he thought he was helping a true patriot with the expenses needed to win elections and become the Israeli Prime Minister. He did help Olmert, and Olmert did become Prime Minister, but he's now out of the closet as an extreme Leftist.
Before the last elections, some good people, looking desperately for a right wing leader, propelled Uzi Landau into front stage. I had my doubts from the beginning, feeling that Uzi was weak, and in tough times, leaders can't be shy. If someone needs pushing, he's no leader. But they got Irving Moshkowitz to back him financially. Not to prolong the suspense, Uzi fled the ring, and Moshkowitz found another way to support his causes.
The Talansky's and Moshkowitz's are going to be much tighter when the political shnurers (beggars/fundraisers) come begging.
Is It Treason?
"Whoever removes land from the State of Israel's sovereign territory is subject to the death penalty.... Giving away the Golan Heights to Syria is treason, and the punishment for a person who commits treason under Israeli law is death." (complete article)

It was considered preposterous that any loyal Israeli citizen would even contemplate allowing the Syrians back in the heights with control over our security.
How foolish, fickle and forgetful the Israeli public is.
Don't people remember what it was like here before the Six Days War?
Hasn't the younger generation been taught of the constant danger and terror ordinary citizens, all over our tiny country, had to endure?
What a distorted history has been taught to them? What a lovely romanticized view of the terrorism, deprivation and suffering?
Monday, May 26, 2008
What A Web They Weave
It has been revealed (peculiar verb for this) that Olmert has been offering more and more and more of our HolyLand to our enemies, those who unabashedly propose by fire, by bullet, by rocket by any means in their arsenal to destroy us, G-d forbid!
We have to listen to the politicians and military of both sides very carefully; read the fine print. Shaul Mofaz is campaigning "at this time."
"Handing the Golan over to Syria at this time constitutes handing the Golan over to Iran. There will be Iranians there very soon. I am opposed to handing out deposits at the beginning of negotiations," he said. (complete article)
Mofaz is a very dangerous man. His military history make people think that he can be trusted to make the right security decisions, but like Ehud Barak, he's a Left wing politician willing to do and say anything he thinks will increase his chance of being elected. Remember that it was Barak who, during elections, offered a unilateral withdrawal from Southern Lebanon which facilitated Hizbulloh's attack on northern Israel barely two years ago.
Remember that there's no real difference between Fatah and Hamas.
France's Sarkozy is pretty blunt about his opinion of the Olmert-Livni policies:
And I have a feeling that US businessman, Morris Talansky, regrets the day he met Ehud Olmert. I'd say that most Israelis agree with him. Talansky may consider it a classic-tragic example of how good intentions lead to hell, but it's no cliche` for us. Olmert and gang are endangering the very existence of the State of Israel.
Nu, you're probably waiting for me to announce my new leader. Sorry, but so far I'm praying and searching. That's the main focus of my prayers at Tel Shiloh, just like Biblical Chana prayed for a son who would be dedicated to G-d's work and lead the people to the next stage. And our next visit to Tel Shiloh for prayers will be on Rosh Chodesh Sivan, Wednesday, June 4, 2008, 9:45am.

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Hiding behind the Cross to Evade the Burning Issue
Reality Test…
The Problem:
"We came [to Israel] to be Jews...The missionary activities have crossed the red lines and could incite the community and cause bloodshed."..."The missionaries persecuted us in Ethiopia, and [we must] not permit them to persecute us in the Holy Land"
...members of the Ethiopian Jewish community in Israel
"Despite the fact that opposition to Christianity is absolute in the Ethiopian community, there is great poverty, indigence and disrespect for elders in the community, and so the Ethiopians are easy prey for the missionaries,"
…. Rehovot Chief Rabbi Simcha HaCohen Kook
"This aliyah [of Christian Ethiopians] is causing irreversible damage to the State of Israel," ... "These people aren't Jewish. It is tearing apart the Ethiopian and Israeli community. "
....a leader of the Ethiopian Jewish community in Israel
"Ethiopian Jews resisted Christian efforts for 1500 years - not so that they should come to Israel to be assaulted again. I would have thought that an independent State of Israel would have the self respect and courage to ban and banish missionary activity - but unfortunately it is not so."
....Rabbi Dr. Sholom Gold, founder and dean of the Avrom Silver College and Center for Jewish Unity in Jerusalem.
"despicable behavior." "...a travesty of Jewish ethics and historical experience..." "this heinous act" is a "violation of basic Jewish principles and values."
...The reaction of the American Jewish community to the collection and incineration of missionary material which was disseminated to Ethiopian Jews in Israel last week
Now make no mistake, these voices of American Jewry are not speaking up on behalf of their poor Ethiopian Jewish brethren who are being accosted by missionaries. You forgot we live in Chelm?
What you hear is the remnant of our people - left in comfortable exile - empathizing with "the persecuted church", because some Israeli Jew had the good sense to collect the offensive material and destroy it (albeit, publicly burning it may have been a poor judgment call ). But this rousing, unified Diaspora defense of the cross basically translates into an endorsement of Evangelical/Messianic/Jews for Jesus missionaries.
Under these surreal circumstances -and knowing full well that American Jewish leaders would rather hide behind a cross than seriously grapple with the gut-wrenching, burning Jewish issues of our time - I have decided to issue the following:
Guidelines for the Perplexed: the Proper Disposal of Hazardous Missionary Materials:
a) In general, when we Jews are confronted with soul-snatchers pushing their wares, we should firmly but tactfully make it clear that we don’t need to be saved.
[Note: there is the exceptional Jew who may feel obligated to take the material in order to prevent another Jew from being accosted with it.]
b) If one finds oneself in possession of noxious, idolatrous books and pamphlets, then it’s best to dispose of it in such a way that no other Jew will ever be exposed to it.
[Note: I imagine tearing , shredding or burning would do the trick. Use your imagination – the stuff is yours to trash, but just be discreet about it - and stay clear of the Press.
[Note:It’s very important to note that the above applies to the disposal of missionary materials, and not the disposal of missionaries . ]
c) Regardless of how provoked, or offended you may be, take a deep breath, count to ten, and report the soul snatcher/s to the police, municipal officials, or to the counter-missionary organization of your choice (you can try the Knesset, but at this rate a Christian may answer the phone).
You might want to warn your neighbors too. If you feel particularly violated - and if by some bizarre stroke of luck you’ve got money to spare - call your lawyer (But not Calev Myers - Because the Jerusalem Institute of Justice has a very“discriminating” clientele).
I hope you find above guidelines helpful.
Remember, above all, keep a sense of humor, because the day of the pseudo-Jew will pass…it’s in “G-d’s plan” and in Talmud Yerushalmi:
"Rabbi Acha says in the name of Rabbi Huna: In the End of Days, the evil Esau will don his tallis and go sit among the righteous in Gan Eden, and G-d will drag him out of there."
In the spirit of Tevya and for the sake of Jewish unity, I would like to close with a joint Diaspora-Israeli prayer. The first half is American and the second part Israeli :
May God bless and keep the Evangelical Missionary... far away from us!
Could this be true?

We all know that US Bush would never endanger his own country, and he has always claimed to be "tough on terrorism." What really makes this interesting is the mantra we keep hearing that "the Americans are forcing us." So if Bush really thinks there's a screw loose in Etrog Olmert, it's more proof that Olmert and the Left are lying.
And you know what happens, one lie leads to another and another and... when did it all start?
Some of the latest twi$ts in the Olmert $candal would make good fiction. But who would believe it? And what is "Hamas leaders in Syria 'very disturbed' over peace talks" supposed to mean? Are they jealous, or is it just one of their pr exercises?

Friday, May 23, 2008
Getting Ready For Jerusalem Day
Sorry about the blur, but the bus wouldn't stop for me as I photographed the first of the Jerusalem trains. I hope they're moving us commuters before they need to be replaced.
When I first came to Jerusalem, almost 40 years ago, vehicles were rare and pedestrians ruled. Now...
But, still, the streets of Jerusalem are the best theater.
Have a Peaceful and Blessed Shabbat
For them it's ok...
It's not the usual place to have a member's family marrying into a Shiloh family, but life is always full of surprises. During the ceremony, I looked around and noticed the figures and people watching. It's a pre-state kibbutz, one of those established contrary to the ruling mandate. They had to protect themselves and even kill Arabs.
Now, why don't they see us as the true successors to their Zionism?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Praise the BBC for "Bible Burning" coverage!
While the American Jewish community is wringing their hands over the burning of "Christian holy books" - and memories of Kristallnacht, pogroms, and medieval blood libels dance through their heads - we have Messianic lawyer/pastor Calev Myers demanding that the Orthodox Jews be rounded up, arrested and put on trial for their crime of being loyal to G-d and the Torah.
So I can't believe I have to turn to the BBC to shed true light on another very important angle of the issue:
"Proselytizing to Ethiopian Jews is an historically sensitive issue".
Not only is it historically sensitive , but it is downright explosive. As the Jerusalem Post reported over a year ago, the Ethiopian Jewish community in Israel was threatening "violent reactions to the missionaries if their activities are not stopped". "People here are threatening to resort to extreme measures, such as blowing up the missionary headquarters with gas tanks."
Maybe the Deputy Mayor should be thanked for acting quickly and doing the right thing.
At the end of this post is a fair and balanced sampling of articles on the Ethiopian Jewish issue.
Rabbis spark wig burning rumpus
Hundreds gathered in the Brooklyn suburb of Williamsburg on Sunday to ignite a bonfire of more than 300 wigs. ..
Well I lashed out at the BBC back then (but today's another day).
Articles: Ethiopian Jews and Christian Missionaries
Jerusalem Post:
The Golan Heights-- Background
The 1949 ceasefire lines put most Israelis in continuous danger. Most people were working so hard just to survive that they didn't question Israel's moral right to exist. Today's affluent Left wing has fermented a dangerous brew, and that's what has propelled Olmert's government into more and more dangerous negotiations. Now the Golan is being offered to Syria, a country not shy in claiming its dream to see Israel as a footnote in history.
Here's some background about the crucial importance of the Golan for Israel's security:
The Man Who Convinced Eshkol to Take the Golan
by David Bedein,
The course of history can be changed by the determination of one man who stands up for what he believes in when he is listened to by people who are in a position of power.
The initiative to demand that Israel take the Golan Heights came from not from real estate-seeking settlers who wanted to move to the Golan, but rather from the residents of the Upper Galilee, or, to put it better, directly from the regional Mayor of the Upper Galilee, Yaakov (Yankela) Eshkoli, the man who led the delegation of Upper Galilee residents to lobby Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol and the Israeli government on the fourth night of the Six Day War.
Eshkoli's mission: to convince Eshkol to issue an order to the Israel Defence Forces Northern regional command to take the Golan Heights and to remove the Syrian threat, once and for all, from over the heads of the Galilee settlements.
Eshkoli, now 88, was elected four times to be the regional mayor of the Galilee, and served in his position from 1955-1971
Speaking with remarkable resilience and a clear memory after 20 years of severe heart disease, the aging Eshkoli, with his ninety year old wife Yaffa at his side, cannot keep repeating how pleased he is that he has lived to tell his story, while talks with Syria get under way and while the future of the Golan is indeed on the agenda.
"13 years ago I had a heart attack and the doctors declared me to be clinically dead. I guess I recovered so that I could tell my story today", Eshkoli says, with a wink and a twinkle in his eye, when I met him on his porch, on Kibbutz Cfar Giladi.
Cfar Giladi is one of the oldest Galilee settlements, located just north of Kiryat Shmoneh and sandwiched in between Lebanon and the Golan Heights, where he and Yaffa, now 90 years old, have been kibbutz members since 1932.
Eshkoli says that he is always eager to relate the role that he played in convincing the Israeli government to take the Golan in the midst of the 1967 war.
As Eshkoli tells it, by the fourth day of the 1967 war, it was clear that Israel had delivered a solid defeat to Jordan and Egypt.
That left Syria, which had been raining a steady stream of rockets into the Hula Valley below, leaving the residents of 31 settlements in the Upper Galilee region in Eshkoli's jurisdiction to spend those glorious days of 1967 in deep underground bunkers, glued to their transistor radios.
Eshkoli recalls how he placed constant calls into Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Yigal Allon from his underground bunker on the Kibbutz to ask to see Levi Eshkol, then Israel's prime minister, to demand action on the Syrian front.
Allon, the 1948 war hero who with liberated the Galilee, promised to get Eshkoli called him on the fourth day of the war with the good news that Eshkoli could meet Eshkol and the Israeli cabinet that evening, warning him that at least one senior Israeli cabinet minister opposed any move towards the Golan Heights . . . .
Leaving his kibbutz in an army jeep , picking up Kibbutz leaders from other settlements in the region, while every kibbutz member was ordered into the shelters because of the continuing Syrian artillery bombardment, Eshkoli remembers that he had the feeling that his Hula valley was burning while the rest of the country was dancing in the streets
Eshkoli speaks of his descending the steps into the underground headquarters of the Israeli government in Tel Aviv as if it happened last night. Eshkoli gets tears in his eyes when he describes the hug that Levi Eshkol gave him when he showed up. Eshkoli that his full delegation of four be allowed to enter the cabinet meeting, and he recalls the Bible that he was asked to swear on that any matter of security that he would hear would be kept in strictest confidence.
Eshkoli was given five minutes to speak. "The longest five minutes in my life", Eshkoli remembers. His appeal was simple and clear, when he reminded Eshkol that he and every Israeli leader who had ever come to visit him in the Galilee after Syrian rocket attacks had promised them that if there would ever be another war, that they would use that opportunity to remove the Syrian threat, once and for all.
Eshkoli reports that the one Israeli minister to oppose the idea: Moshe Dayan, the former Israeli commander in chief who had just been appointed to be Defence minister. Dayan had given the veto to his northern regional commander, "Dado" Elazar, whom he forbid to attack Syria on the Golan, "lest this cost us 30,000 dead and risk a war with the Soviet Union", which had just pushed through a cease-fire in the UN Security Council. Dayan the war hero from the 1956 war with tremendous popular following, also made a great impression on the cabinet.
Eshkoli recalls that he then thought to himself: "Will I be responsible for world war", and then said that " I could only think of my wife and the children of the kibbutz who at that moment were in the shelters". It was then that Eshkoli made a threat, which he says to this day that he meant with all his heart, which was that if the IDF does not remove the Syrians from the Golan then he would recommend that all Kibbutzim pack their bags and leave, and that the people of Kiryat Shmoneh would follow. Silence followed Eshkoli's emotional appeal to the Israeli cabinet.
As Eshkoli turned and began to leave the meeting, Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol grabbed his hand and proclaimed that "The words of Eshkoli have entered the heart of Levi Eshkol, and they will play a crucial role in what we decide to do on the Golan Heights".
Eshkoli could not know when he left the government meeting, heading back north, whether he had succeeded in his mission. Would his words hold greater weight than Moshe Dayan?
Heading back to Kfar Giladi, Eshkoli stopped off at the bunker of the IDF Northern regional command. By then it was 5AM. "Dado" was slumped over his desk, next to a bottle of half-empty scotch .
Eshkoli reported to "Dado" what had happened at the government meeting. And while they were talking, "Dado" received a call from the Israel Defence Ministry. Moshe Dayan's resonant voice was on the line with an order - "Ascend the Golan and Succeed" were Dayan's words, and they were repeated on the 6AM Voice of Israel radio newsreel.
"Dado" loudly said to Eshkoli that he had succeeded with Dayan where he, the IDF northern regional commander had not.
Indeed, Dayan's vote in the government was the lone voice in the government to vote against the Golan attack . . . .
Dayan never forgave Eshkoli for besting him at the government meeting. Eshkoli shows me a yellowing news interview from 1976 with Moshe Dayan with the Israeli daily newspaper Yediot Aharonot, where Moshe Dayan could only recall Eshkoli and his delegation with anger and resentment, characterizing them as "Dado"'s agents, claiming that , anyway, "the provocation's of the Galilee farmers and fishermen in no-man's land were the cause of the Syrian shellings".
Eshkoli looks at the picture of Moshe Dayan and starts to yell at him "Right - All of my 31 communities provoked the Syrians from their shelters. Our provocation against the Syrians is that we live and prosper here in the Galilee, which the Syrians see as a province of their country".
Asked about the current negotiations that might bring the Syrians back to the Golan Heights that face down on his kibbutz, Eshkoli could only raise a trembling hand and point to the hills and say that to "bring back the Syrians would be suicide for us".
Eshkoli's successor as regional mayor of the Upper Galilee region, fellow Kfar Giladi member Aharon Valenci, is much more sanguine in his attitude to the possibility of territorial compromise on the Golan, saying that he trusts Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and that if the Syrians are serious about peace, then the issue of the Golan would not be as important as it once was, noting that "99%" of his kibbutz were supportive of the peace process with Syria. Valanci said, however, that he will wait to see what the Syrians convey to their own people in their own media.
However, another prominent Galilee kibbutz leader, Muki Tzur, from Ein Gev, on the shores of the Sea of the Galilee and meters away from the Golan Heights and what might again be Syria, writes an interview with KIBBUTZ, the magazine of the Kibbutz movement, that it was premature to take a position on the peace process.
Tzur, the 1967 author of the best selling book known as the Seventh Day: Conversations with Fighters from the Six Day War, writes in his article that Jewish and Israeli history has taught us that any peace process with Israel's adversaries will be long, hard and complex, and that no decision can be made under the pressure of an immediate desire for peace. The price of a mistake in the peace process in the North would be guns in place once again on the Golan, trained on the 31 settlements of the Hula Valley in Israel's lush Upper Galilee region.
Yankela Eshkoli stood up to Moshe Dayan.
That is why the guns in the Golan were removed, and that is why 33 Israeli settlements replaced 15 Syrian army camps on the Golan Heights.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
NY Times-- Wrong Again
"President Bush’s visit to the Middle East last week offered a graphic primer on his failed policies — and the many dangers his successor will face."
At first I thought that there would be some common sense in this New York Times editorial, but then I continued reading. The writer/s has/haven't a clue.
I'm sick and tired of this attitude that Israel and the Arabs are just bickering kids who need a firm hand to "make peace." Now, I'm a mother, grandmother, teacher etc. I've spent close to 40 years living in Israel, and I didn't come here as a toddler.
Too many* Arabs here are blood-thirsty terrorists. That's the truth. There's no way to sugar-coat it, when the proof is dripping with blood and gore, not Al. Take off those rose-colored goggles and unplug your ears. This is no computer game. It's real life!
The Arabs here, cheered on by the world, want us gone, dead, banished--they're not fussy. Bush's dream/goal of another Arab terror state, shared by almost the entire world, is the key to Israel's destruction. You don't have to read "fine print;" the Arabs are very blunt about it.
I hope that the next US President will just busy him/herself with American problems, like the economy, health care for all, better education, safer roads, etc. And butt yourself out of my neighborhood!
*After taking everything into consideration, I edited this line. The story is in the comments.
Punishment In Which World?

It was announced that Teddy Kennedy of Chappaquiddick Island infamy has a malignant brain tumor.
Does G-d punish non-Jews in the same way as Jews?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Unequal Justice
Unfortunately, here in Israel, there's a blatantly different standard for different people.
Today the Halamish brothers were sent to jail, even though their legal status, awaiting a Supreme Court Final Appeal and Presidential Pardon does not require waiting in jail. But Danny and Itzik Halamish are Jewish nationalists, lovers of the Land of Israel, so they get the "short end" of Israeli Justice.
Let's hope and pray that there will be equal justice for all.
Human Rights! Civil Rights!
How do they reconcile, excuse their silence in the face of judenrein land?
What does judenrein mean?
It's the German term the Nazis used to describe the goal of cleansing Germany of Jews.
Now, everyone but Holocaust deniers are adamant that the Nazis were bad. Right?Judenrein and Judenfrei (German: free of Jews) were Nazi terms to designate an area free of Jewish presence.[1] The words bear slightly different connotations; while Judenfrei merely refers to "freeing" an area of all of its Jewish citizens, Judenrein (literally "clean of Jews") demands that any trace of Jewish blood be removed as an impurity.[2]
Then why didn't any of the many human rights or civil rights activists protest the expulsion of Jews and only Jews from Gush Katif during Disengagement?
Then why don't any of the many human rights or civil rights activists protest the fact that many Arab countries don't allow Jews?
Then why don't any of the many human rights or civil rights activists protest Bush, Rice, Blair, the Left etc and Olmert's plan to banish Jews from their homes and communities again?
It seems clear to me that their plans and goals are totally immoral!
"Battling" On The Roads
At Givat Asaf, the t-junction to Beit El, and at the "ride stop" outside of Ofra, the latest posters concern Moetzet YESHA, Council of YESHA Communities. Many people are totally disgusted with its activities.
It has been years since Moetzet YESHA has been involved with actually establishing new communities, or even neighborhoods. They headed the totally disastrous, F for Failure campaign to cancel Disengagement.
Now they've been busy negotiating with the government about the destruction of Jewish communities, shades of the Judenrat. I know that many people don't like it when modern Jews are compared to such people, but you can't deny the parallels.
Pinchas Wallerstein, former head/governor of Mateh Binyamin, the Benjamin Regional Council, is now head of Moetzet YESHA. Recently there were reports of opponents damaging his car. This first poster decries the act. A slew of rabbis signed the "emotional" letter.

This second poster claims to have the actual agreement between the government and Moetzet YESHA. This entire issue of whether or not Moetzet YESHA is doing what it should be doing for yishuv HaAretz, settling our HolyLand, is one of the reasons why the youth has no respect for authority. The phenomena began during the Disengagement protests and has continued. Personally, in all honesty, I must admit that I admire them and am embarrassed that we adults cannot offer them the leadership and role models they deserve.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Blessing or Curse: Praying for us or Preying on us?

Targeted proselytizing has made a comeback in Israel. Democracy, liberty, and tolerance rule the day - and so does chaos, blasphemy and idolatry. Is Israel ready for this 5-year, mega-budget campaign? Websites and full page newspaper ads in English and Hebrew, Billboard and bus banner campaigns, and an army of missionaries in public and private places.
When it comes to soul-snatching even the most secular of Jews will remember who they are and rise to the occasion. Just how provocative is Jews for Jesus in Israel?
The veil momentarily lifted from the eyes of Haaretz…
The very thought of one of their leaflets brought Bradley Burston of Haaretz out of that "Special Place in Hell" to see the light.
This is a must read (from 2006):
Why 'Jews for Jesus' is evil
Zachariah 8:23 gone awry?
Thus saith the Lord of hosts: In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out of all the languages of the nations, shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying: We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.'
Nightmare scenario: Playground from Hell?
Evangelical Christians continue to give generously to Jews in distress, while insisting on their religious and democratic right to express themselves via evangelism in Eretz Yisrael.
Now here’s a frightening thought…
What if, while your child or grandchild is frolicking on a plastic playground donated by evangelical friends, an evangelical Jew for Jesus - who loves and craves Jewish souls – happens to meet up with your child at the bottom of the slide?
The obvious solution (and a real blessing) would be for those Christian friends who truly love and respect Israel and the Jewish people to take real action. Rather than issue another denial of their direct involvement in missionary activity, they should issue a clear, public, and unequivocal condemnation of such activity in Israel (but I doubt that an Evangelical can condemn evangelism any more than a Palestinian can condemn terror?). Friends of Israel, take the challenge and prove me wrong!
A legal opinion prepared by the Justice Ministry opposes legislation that would strengthen efforts to combat missionary activities in Israel
"Anti-Missionary Bill Undermines Freedom of Expression"
Bilaam tries to curse and ends up blessing. I imagine a prophet like Bilaam looked upon the Israelite camp and saw the beauty of a structured, moral and ethical community- and he just couldn’t help himself. So despite all of his rottenness, a blessing emanated from his lips.
And now we have millions of Christians who claim to have every intention of “blessing” the Jewish people, and we know that some of those people are very sincere (and others quite insincere), but if we - the recipients of their “love offerings” - are bereft of Torah guidelines, values, accountability and legislation, than this entire enterprise is in danger of being nothing more than a major curse.
The Righteous Gentile Among Us
I just gotta close with another rare, but grand, Haaretz moment (Mashiach must be around the corner)
Look at this truly moving clip of Jon Voight. His heart is with the Jewish people.
Note that Voight was raised a devout Catholic. He is not affiliated with evangelical groups or mega church leaders. He appears to take and individual, moral, and authentic heartfelt stand with the people of Israel. This is a man who has done some real soul wrestling. And although he is biblically inspired, he handles himself with the utmost respect while in Israel. I doubt you will find him publically referring to Jesus, spreading the gospel, or hailing Christianity while on his visit here.
But you will find him endorsing the Noahide laws and expressing great respect for Judaism as a religion:
Voight was brought up Catholic and has no intention of converting to Judaism. But he says that of all the religions he studies, he has a special fondness for Jewish learning and values. "Judaism is an amazing fountain of information. It’s not the only answer, but I have tremendous regard for it." ...
“,,,They [the Noahide commandments] appeal to my own sense of what I feel is a high purpose, which is to try to get everyone to an understanding of what they’re asked to do, what life’s responsibilities are. These very simple seven laws of Noah are good basics."