Most American Jews can't comprehend the ingrained anti-Jewish feeling in the Black community. The phenomena of "projection" protects most from the paranoia which should exist. Yes, there's a rational reason American Jews should fear the Blacks, and that includes U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama and his wife, Michelle.
Israel should fear them even more. Just listen to what Obama has been saying, claiming that Israel's "occupation" of the aka "Palestinians" is like the Holocaust. What total and utter and far-removed from reality nonsense has come from the mouth of the American President!
The term Holocaust was coined to describe the Nazi genocide of European Jewry when six million, or even possibly more, Jews were murdered by the Nazi regime, their cohorts and silent partners.
If the Arabs living in the historic Land of Israel or former British Mandate borders have suffered any discrimination, it has been by the Jordanians and the PA, (internationally supported Palestinian Authority.) There is no ancient history of Jordan, nor of Palestine. They are both modern fictions created by British and Europeans politicians and adopted by all who don't want us Jews to have a state, freedom and independence.
We don't need international, American or United Nations approval. Nothing we say or do will make any of them like us, so we may as well just do what's best for us.
As King David wrote:
Yisrael, b'tach b'Hashem
People of Israel, trust in G-d
your forgetting the fact that obama has no American black bllod. he is a changeling!
He was raised in America and integrated into the Black America society, married a Black American. It's not blood which is important, it's his personal choices.
He was raised in America by his white aryan mother. He wasn't raised in the hood. He was reported to have had a "vanilla" accent before his Chicago days.
He joined a black Nazi church to establish bona fides in the black community.
He also realized that there are more white liberals who will vote for a self-proclaimed black man out of liberal guilt than there are white racists.
There are more members of his church than members of the KKK. His white supporters esp. Jewish will call anyone racist that disagrees with him- even though he was raised by an SS eligible momma
I think that his choice of wife has been crucial. Michelle gives him entry into the Black American world.
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