Why should any of the hilltop residents trust Avi Ro'eh, Head of Mateh Binyamin, the Benjamin Regional Council, to represent their needs?
Even when he was running for office against Adi Mintz I didn't hear any plans for new communities. Neither candidate showed any great interest in building new communities. There's nothing like the PR, by David Ha'ivri, that our neighboring Shomron Region has.
Avi Ro'eh is doing what I suspected he would do, he's making deals with the government at the detriment to expanding Jewish Life in our Land. We need real leadership and we don't have it.
could it be he is doing the best he can? the govt is not allowing new settlements; even natural growth is on the negotiation table.
could it be that your ideals are simply not in line with what can be done?
I think that some introspection is needed and legitimate.
I love the hilltop youth and sorry that they are used as scapegoats.
I also know that the term 'hilltop youth' is really overused. The youth manning many of the outposts are actually really 'regular' youth and not the 'original' hilltop youth.
Given that, I love the grassroots efforts that have that grew after the expulsion due to the lack of MYesha credibility. But, on the other hand, is it possible to give legitimacy to every effort? Granted the need for secrecy in order to avoid the eyes and ears of the political authourities, and I know that the cat&mouse game is an ultimate tactic, but how much effort should be given to each? Let's say that Roeh does make a fool of himself bargaining with the army, is that ultimately a good sacrifice? Maybe it's a rhetorical question.
...and what's with these guys and their hands? can't they show 'em?
The communities called "hilltops" are mostly rather "old" and establish. Many of the adults have school-age kids and older even. The communities predate Disengagement.
During the elections for head of our regional council, I didn't hear any vision, idealism of "yishuv Ha'Aretz" from either Mintz or Ro'eh. That gives me a strong basis not to trust Avi on this.
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