Car owners stay away from from downtown Jerusalem, especially Ben Yehuda Street.
This is the
Every time I walk there, I find changes. I didn't expect it to be so awfully sandy, like the beach. Actually, there was probably more sand on Jaffa Street than on the beach by the Kineret (Sea of Galilee.)
Simply put: It's both dangerous and unpleasant. The present obstacles, the result of the construction of the "light rail system" has made walking in Jerusalem a high risk activity.
You sure complain a lot. I feel bad for your husband.
What's the connection? He's not the mayor.
i heard Israeli officials are freezing settlement construction. finally!
I guess you're an antisemitic racist.
We Jews deserve basic civil rights.
Yeah, the digging is annoying! But I try to look at the bright side: the bulldozers are building not destroying. With outposts being bulldozed almost daily, and the memory of the destruction of Gush Katif by our fellow Jews still burning in our memory, I say yallah, let 'em dig, as long as its for constructive purposes! Hopefully, we will be able to ride that train to the Beit HaMikdash in the near future. Which structure do you think will be completed first, the train of the Temple?
Janet, so nice to hear from you. I think I owe you a lunch...
You're right, and we'll be able to get on the train in Pisgat Zeev!
re: what will be completed first... if Olmert (the Jerusalem mayor who planned the lightrail) and the rest of us Jews do tshuva, then both will be ready the same time, so that the first run will be to the Chanukat HaBayit of the Bait HaMikdash! G-d willing!!
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