Hamas War

Monday, January 12, 2009

"When My Phone Is Off, You'll Know...

...that I'm in Gaza."

Yes, that's the warning the IDF soldiers have been giving family and friends.

Israel is a very technologically advanced country, and cell phones aren't a novelty; they're basic minimal requirements, like oxygen.

This war, the army realized that the phones could be much too distracting, besides the security risks. Don't think that the soldiers aren't reliable and would give secret information. The enemy can trace cell phone activity.

How can a soldier concentrate on his crucial tasks when his young children are calling for a goodnight story, or to complain that baby brother ripped a book?

The stress factor all over the country is rising. It doesn't help that the media is stressing hysteria.

Everyone's helping however they can.

We need prayers, too, and they don't cost money.


rickismom said...

A friend of my son is in a unit that spent, apparently, the first week plus in gaza non-stop. (Is in handasa kravieet.) The ARMY called the families on Friday to say that they are OK.

Batya said...

The IDF does try to be understanding. It's a Jewish army.

Hadassa DeYoung said...

Shavua Tov!
A piece of relevant information, for all of us, even civilians: the location of a cell-phone can be determined even when the phone is off. The battery must be removed in order for the location not to be traceable. And I wouldn't be surprised if some phones can be traced even without the "only" battery in place. The soldiers are not merely turning their phones off. They leave them at a base or some other departure point.

Batya said...

The "off" is the condition when the phones are turned in before "going out."
That's the quotation my friend gave me.