Hamas War

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Such Timing...

We see the "hand of G-d" in all sorts of things.

"Yisrael, Batach B'Hashem!"
"People of Israel, Trust in G-d!"
This week's Haftara, the readings from "The Prophets" portion of the Bible can be read as political commentary on Israel's security plans. Since the government decided to end Operation Cast Lead, aka the Election Campaign War, and take our IDF out of Gaza, it has announced that it's trusting Egypt to keep us safe, by making sure the terrorists don't rearm.
Davka, what's the Haftara for Parshat Va'era? Yechezkel 28:25 - 29:21 In it we see Egypt as weak, not the country to rely on. We must take responsibility for ourselves and only trust in G-d!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yechezkel 28:25

"so said my L-rd Hashem Elokim "when I gather in the house of israel from the peoples among whom they are scattered, and I shall be sanctified by them in th eyes of the nations, and the shall dwell on their land securely that I gave to My servant , yaakov, then they shall dwell upon it securely and build houses and plant vineyards and dwell securel--when I execute judgments upon all who disdain them roundabout them--then they shall know that I am Hashem their G-d.

also, tehilim/psalm 59, one of reb nachman's tikkun (rectification), covers very well the situation we are in today. it describes it accurately as well as the resolution in our favor, for G-d's sake.

Batya said...

Amen, thanks for the addition.