Rosh Chodesh Shvat – Monday, January 26th
... mothers (or relatives/friends) around the world will join together and pray for their children’s (relatives/friends) soul-mates PROJECT 1.
… single people around the world will pray together for their destined soul-mates PROJECT 2.
In order to accomplish this goal, I am asking that everyone goes to http://www.writeinvite.ca/tehillim/index.htm and fill out the respective form. Once groups of 40 people are formed per project in your timezone, I will send you your portions of tehillim to recite along with the names of the rest of your group and further instructions. Your allotted tehillim should be recited once on Rosh Chodesh day.
Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Lazeh. All of Israel is responsible for one another - pass this email on to others who may be interested in participating. Please also help me advertise for this project by posting on any email group you may be on.
May our prayers be answered sweetly and speedily,Tamara
* Your email address will NOT be distributed or displayed. No last names will be displayed. Questions can still be sent to a.mothers.tehillim@gmail.com, but it may take time to respond.
... mothers (or relatives/friends) around the world will join together and pray for their children’s (relatives/friends) soul-mates PROJECT 1.
… single people around the world will pray together for their destined soul-mates PROJECT 2.
In order to accomplish this goal, I am asking that everyone goes to http://www.writeinvite.ca/tehillim/index.htm and fill out the respective form. Once groups of 40 people are formed per project in your timezone, I will send you your portions of tehillim to recite along with the names of the rest of your group and further instructions. Your allotted tehillim should be recited once on Rosh Chodesh day.
Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Lazeh. All of Israel is responsible for one another - pass this email on to others who may be interested in participating. Please also help me advertise for this project by posting on any email group you may be on.
May our prayers be answered sweetly and speedily,Tamara
* Your email address will NOT be distributed or displayed. No last names will be displayed. Questions can still be sent to a.mothers.tehillim@gmail.com, but it may take time to respond.
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