Israeli civilians are in danger, and a ceasefire at this time will only show weakness.
If we don't take full responsibility for our security, the attacks against us will only get stronger and over a larger portion of our country.
My musings, reflections on life here in Shiloh, Israel. Original, personal, spiritual and political. Peace, security and Israeli sovereignty. While not a "group blog," Shiloh Musings includes the voices of other Jews in The Land of Israel. **Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged. Thank you.
I saw that story about Bnei HaSharon in Turkey. Would have watched the game if I were back home. Aren't Maccabi supposed to be representing us in the Euroleague?
Other matters besides b-ball take center stage though, huh!? My folks went to a pro-Israel rally here in Chicago a few days ago. Pointless. Better not to show up. Not only dangerous but they disperse quicker if there's no opposition.
Stay safe! Le'hayei ha'am veha'aretz
You are quite right when you say that Israel should totally defeat the terrorist army. Terrorism in all its forms must be bludgeoned to death. That also includes mafia terror. But Israel has many factors to consider - not the least is the precarious position of Egypt and Jordan with whom we have peace agreements (although with their respective leaderships and not their people). The street in these two countries is very volatile and could overthrow their governments and themselves become radical states. This would be a nightmare for Israel.
Regarding Sarkozy, it's hard to appreciate exactly why he's making all these noises, but one reason could be to foster domestic quiet among his own large Muslim population.
Israel is in a very hard situation for which at the moment, there are no simple, fair, just, binding solutions.
Eitan, what exactly happened at the Chicago rally. Please send a report. And hiding isn't the solution.
ralph, again, being afraid of our "friend" won't help. Treaties are just words on paper.
Batya: at first the Arab/gay constituency (yes, the gays showed up too, as usual) gathered on one side of the Chicago River (the side farther away from the Israeli embassy). When a rag-tag group of Israel-supporters showed up (it was midday Friday) the Arabs began chanting anti-Semitic slogans and inciting the Israel crowd.
My parents stayed away from most of the action so they didn't have that much to report. I didn't go because I needed to get ready for Shabbat. Several interesting things they did mention were that the Arab crowd began heading towards them at some point. Mounted police were on hand and they tried dispersing the crowd. The Arabs were within 20 feet of the Jews and looked like animals ready to lynch. My dad says it was like the lynching in Ramallah during the Second Intifada. They were literally out to kill.
The police eventually escorted the Jews all the way to their cars fearing attacks. A bomb was thrown into a Conservative synagouge (the biggest synagouge in Chicago) the other day. There has been an open warning to all Jewish schools by unconfirmed sources.
That's pretty much the gist of it.
I posted the youtube from Florida. If you can get me pictures etc and a first person account (or a report) I'll post it.
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