I just ran out of the living room. I couldn't listen to the broadcaster continue to say, over and over:
"Israel's aim isn't to destroy every missile and launcher in Gaza. It's to affect their morale, so they won't want to attack us any more."Yep, you heard/read right. Again, just like Olmert-Livni's first war. They haven't a clue.
All of our armed might, bombs from planes etc only increase the morale of the terrorists. They love it, and they consider it an honor to die, especially, when they know that Israel won't finish the job. And especially when they know that Israel will give them medical care.
The Arab terrorists think Israel is run by a bunch of soft-brained idiots and they're right.
At this time, Hezbollah is rearming in the north. Do you honestly think that those international troops are stopping them? And when this war is "over," the Hamas will do the same. And then this map will be like a nice dream, because the terrorists will have bigger and better missiles.
PS Shiloh's out of range. Who's coming?
I sat all evening listening to Galei Zahal radio. I found it unbeleiable (and just as sickening) that ARMY RADIO staffers were pushing interviewees to say that the best we can hope for is "managing the conflict". Even if that were true, it is inappropriate to undermine tropp morale into believing in anything other tht total victory.
Only Israel can take victory and turn it into defeat. Loony leftists are in power.
It is indeed very disconcerting that the IDF publicizes an opinion that the Arabs in Gaza would refrain from using a missile in their possession. Do they believe it? That would be even more disconcerting.
On a related note, every time I read about a truce I think to myself, "How stupid can we be? A truce is just the government's way of snatching defeat from the arms of victory."
Yes, insanity for sure.
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