Hamas War

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tzedaka Request-- I checked it out

Actually, the writer is an old friend. She and her husband have been Chabad shlichim for many years.

Dear Friend,

I hope this finds you and your family well, and your Pesach preparations are running smoothly.

My husband recently went to NY to raise money for urgent expenses for the school, for the public sedarim for Pesach and other Pesach expenses, hoping to raise $35,000 to get Chabad of Crimea through the holiday. However, instead he was hospitalized and had two procedures done and wasn't able to travel, even within the United States, to raise the desperately needed funds!

It is difficult to see how we will manage, as we should have paid at least a week ago for the orders for poultry and meat, the matzah, grape juice for the year, oil, and other products, which they want to sell to others, since we haven't yet paid. (The suppliers won't send it until they have the money in hand.) I'm sure that Hashem will pull us through this, but Pesach is speedily approaching, and the expenses must be paid immediately.

Is there any chance that you might be able to help Chabad of Crimea in this difficult moment? You have no idea how much it would mean to us and to the Jews here!

If you would like, you can make a donation using your credit card. The information we need is as follows:
Name (as it is on the credit card)
Billing address with zip code
Name on the credit card
Credit card number (16 digits)
Expiration date (month/year)

Checks can be sent to:
American Friends of Chabad of Crimea
1601 Union Street
Brooklyn, NY 11213

Wiring Information:
American Friends of Chabad of the Crimea
ABA# 336512355
Bank name: Sovereign Bank
Bank address: 4823 13th Av., Brooklyn, NY 11219

Thank you so much! Wishing you a kosher 'and happy -- and healthy Pesach!

Leah Lipszyc
Chabad of Crimea

PS: I would appreciate your passing this on to others who might help our organization.

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