'Snif Hevron' – on the wall of the youth club in the Shalhevet neighbourhood (this is what the Arabs turned into a wholesale market on the ruins of the pre-1929 Jewish houses)
‘In Memory of Shalhevet Pass' – at the location where Shalhevet Pass was murdered.
‘Avraham Avinu Mural+Children' – Avraham Avinu buying the Cave of the Patriarchs from Efron the Hittite and his great-great grandchildren returning from school; mural on the wall opposite the Shalhevet neighbourhood.
Shushan Purim Sameah,
Yoni Gormezano
Batya: I always enjoy looking at all the pictures you post on your blog.
Thank you. These aren't mine, but I have permission. I'll forward your compliment to the photographer!
Gee, I wonder if I am related to Yonni Gormezano. Wonderful picture.
Keith Gormezano
Well, Keith, it's not a common name...
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