Hamas War

Thursday, January 1, 2009

War Pictures From Israel

I was going through the New York Times site and found all these gorgeous, posed if not worse, pictures of destruction, bravery etc. It's hard to believe that Sarah Bernhardt was Jewish. The Arabs in the photos are more dramatic than the most exaggerating silent movie star.

Then I went searching for quality photos taken of the destruction the Arab missiles are causing in Israel, in Sderot, Beersheva, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Netivot and the Negev. Zilch! Nada!

These are the best I could find.

None of them, even the one at the funeral, matches the pathos and clear message that the Arab ones have. They don't have to be posed or artificial.
Pictures speak more clearly than words, and we're losing the war.


Anonymous said...

I think it is a bit presumptuous of you to accuse the pictures of being posed. The simple reason however why there is not as many pictures of death and destruction of Israel is because it is the Palestinians who are being murdered. Since the recent attack, over 1100 Palestinians have been killed, 700 of them civilians and 300 children. In the last year only 8 people were killed by Hamas Rockets... You questioning of the media is absolutley the right approach but you should also question the media reports that support your side.

Batya said...

It's not opinion. Pictures get posed on all sides. But the pro-Arabs take it to new heights.

And Israeli's tend to be discreet and private in their grief.