This sentence can be written about a lot of places. Rush Limbaugh made the point about the United States. And I'd say the same about Israel.
If life is so awful here for non-Jews, why do so many foreign workers overstay their visas? Other countries, like Egypt, have no compunctions about killing off those African workers trying to get in.
Why has the Arab population increased so much? Actually, statistics prove that since the Zionist movement brought Jews here to the HolyLand, Arabs have been following with great enthusiasm and even greater numbers. Arabs from all over have no problem accepting Israeli help and medical care.
There are over twenty Arab countries, some very rich and some very poor. Why, davka, do the Arabs want another one, right here? We don't have oil and other material riches. We have a difficult climate for agriculture. They never had an independent state here. The only People/Nation to have a national history here is the Jewish one.
No doubt this if the Arabs (and the rest of the world) got their wish, and we would somehow, G-d forbid, disappear, within a short period of time, the area would empty out, the fields, groves, orchards and vineyards would dry up and this Holy Land would be desolate, like it was pre-Zionism.
And there then wouldn't be a problem with illegals...
And there then wouldn't be a problem with illegals...
Everything has its positives and negatives. Similarly every place has its advantages and disadvantages.
People stick to the places because of the positives. But that does not justify the negatives.
This is Ibrahim from Israeli Uncensored News
gettin' cozy with rush, hows that working out for you? may i suggest alex jones? he's even more entertaining, if you like that sort of thing.
yoni, there are worse
Yoni, what do you see as common between Limbaugh and Jones?
Why are you cooking chulent? It's only Wednesday!
not only is it only wednesday but there's a sharav a'comin', chulent is the last thing on my mind you must have me confused with someone else.
the similarities between jones and limbaugh are obvious for anyone familiar with both of them, but i was talking about the differences- namely, that jones is more entertaining.
i would never quote either of them in public and expect to be taken seriously by anyone who matters, though.
look, anyone who starts a statement by saying "rush says..." is basically removing themselves from the table of civil discourse. batya has come dangerously close to this a few times here and i thought an oblique warning would not be out of place. here, for the terminally obtuse, is a non-oblique warning.
alex jones at his best. you can see why i might like the guy, but also why i wouldn't go around quoting him or using him to back up any point i might want to make. limbaugh i don't like, personally. he's doing the same sort of thing but just not as well. if you're gonna do it at all, do it right, i say.
Sorry, I still don't see the comparison.
No, I am not a Rush fan of any sort. I only occasional get to listen to him when a YouTube clip comes my way.
OK fellas, someone whom I respect a lot, and won't let me use his name, is a Rush fan. That's how I got started. Sometimes Rush does have a good point.
batya, there's a reason he won't let you use his name in connection to rush limbaugh. if you respect this person so much you might want to learn something from him/her.
He won't let me use his name at all, no connection to rush. don't read more into it.
I listen to Rush at intervals when I am sometimes in the car during lunch and I would have to say that he is a lot more sensible than most of his detractors. He will often deliberately go "over the top" for the shock effect or for entertainment and his spoof "commercials" make good points. Usually his detractors wind up lying and misquoting him, as even I can tell from as little as I do listen.
Thanks Sabba for the input. I also like the common sense on the right.
yeah, i like the common sense of the buddhists, too. but i'm not a buddhist. :)
yoni, sarcasm has its dangers. Have you ever seen "My Cousin Vinny?"
I think the crux of problem is that we make it attractive for 'others' and less 'attractive' for ourselves. Building freezes, expulsions, etc. the 'others' don't care they want a 'free ride'. If I were PM they'd get one along with the arabs; straight out of the land. I can be done and it was done to Jews in arabs lands in the 50's. We are too nice, nothing wrong with being hospitable, but this is too much.
Israel has top notch healthcare etc. We're a modern country. That's an attraction.
In (mild) defense of Rush, he is a smart man. And he brings up thought-provoking points. Unfortunately, he doesn't let really smart people argue with him. That's how all these talk shows work - they only let on the show people who aren't as skilled verbally and in knowledge as they are.
In criticism of Rush, the man is absolutely obnoxious.
Leora, that's show biz. Some people love it. But I just see his site.
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