Within hours Jews will be celebrating Shavuot (when G-d gave the Torah to the Nation of Israel), and Christians will be celebrating the Pentecost (the birthday of the Church). As far as we Jews are concerned, never the twain shall meet. However, evangelicals and messianic congregations are all fond of using the themes of Shavuot and the Book of Ruth in their efforts to bring Jews close to the church. Sometimes the style and method used is genteel and generous, like that of Pastor Hagee and CUFI. Other times it's aggressive and provocative, like the approach of certain Israeli street missionaries. Jewish Israel looks at both approaches and draws some definitive lines...more
Jewish Israel wishes a Chag Shavout Sameach to all of its Jewish readers
Chag Shavuot Sameach:)
Excellent article!
"The Book of Ruth is not about a Gentile woman. It is about a righteous convert to Judaism and her kindness and devotion. Our laws of conversion are derived from the Book of Ruth. And the G-d the Jews pray to is not the same as the Christian god."
I watched the Hit Me missionary video again. It's even more disturbing when I realized these missionaries were asking Jews to recreate in the here and now a passion play.
Quite disturbing. As if there isn't enough anti-Semitism on cites such as You Tube.
Oops. I meant sites, not cites.
BTW: I just love that cartoon at the top. It's perfect!
Keli, if you enjoyed the cartoon, you'll love the movie!
Shy Guy,
Huh. That's funny. I drew the cartoon before viewing that video.
I could say "great minds..." but I would never depict jesus getting run over by a bus (I'm sure the JI staff would censor it at any rate).
JIs cartoons are in good taste.
Keli Ata,
If I'm grateful to the evangelical missionaries for anything, it's for giving me humorous material to work with. I
used to draw a lot of political cartoons about the MiddleEast, but Muslims and Arabs just aren't that funny anymore.
Ellen, not to worry. I'm sure it was Rahm Emanuel who threw jesus under the bus.
On May 16, you wrote:
>Within hours Jews will be celebrating Shavuot (when G-d gave the Torah to the Nation of Israel), and Christians will be celebrating the Pentecost
Uh, no offense, but your first sentence has a big error. In 2010, Christian Pentecost is May 23rd, not the 16th (and that's for both eastern and western). If you don't believe me, just check google. Or even wiki.
a, I Googled and all sources agree with you, however Answers.com has an entry that begins May 17 2010 on the Google page although not in the body of the answer. Ellen probably found her date like that. I can't imagine that she was negligent. Or perhaps Ellen is referring to Christians who in "returning to their roots" hijack the Jewish holiday.
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