The Obama-Clinton Administration is demanding a very racist, one-sided halt in Jewish growth and building in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, including parts of Jerusalem. And again, like uncountable times in the past, it's the Arab intransigence which has saved us. They're betting that our Israeli Government will be so desperate to please the Americans and make a deal that we'll give up even more.
I hope and pray that our government will quickly realize that all of these concessions only weaken and endanger us. We have to send all the busybodies packing and do what's best for the security, development and continued existence of the State of Israel. No foreign promises will protect us.
Actually, as in the case of Honduras, the United States Secretary of AState is backing down.
Yes, the U.S. does back down, but the Israeli Government refuses to believe it. It makes me wonder about our politicians.
What is there to wonder about our incompetent, foolish and disloyal politicians?
Clinton's statements don't surprise me at all. She's an Obama official and we know his true feelings about Israel.
What I don't understand is why Israeli leaders continue to worship the sand their heads are buried in.
I just read on A7 that Bibi praised Obama's stance on Iran. Isn't he reversing himself from what he said at the UN?
This is probably a bad comparision but if you've ever seen the film "A Christmas Story" you'll understand what I mean.
Little Ralphie wants a BB gun for Christmas more than anything in the world. He daydreams about protecting his family from criminals with it.
Everyone from parents to teachers think it's too dangerous.
Ralphie see Santa but gets all tongue-tied and nods in agreement to a football as a better gift. Suddenly he comes to his senses and in a voice over yells, "WAKE UP STUPID! WAKE UP!"
I don't know which is worse--Americans voting electing a non-American president or Israelis allowing themselves to be dictated by him.
Last I checked, the US is nowhere near Israel on the Rand McNally globe.
It really makes me sad to see Clinton praising Bibi over this:(
I always thought of Bibi as the good guy. He has that persona about him, but who knows? I've only seen him on US television where he comes across as the most Zionist in the world.
He should retake his Israeli Boy Scouts oath (I had a post about that a while back, actually).
Shy, you're right. We should wake up and smell the sewer, but it's so unpleasant we keep on lying to ourselves.
Keli, interesting. Thanks, post the link to your post.
The only difference between the apparent agreement that wasn't an agreement with the Bush Administration, and what there is now, is that instead of "natural growth" (perhaps only within boundaries that nobody ever determined) being the limitation on building in settlements, the limitation is now to be that "normal life for the residents who are living there" will continue, which is actually more open-ended a limitation than the previous one. Netanyahu has also previously said in public that residents of settlements, like all other Israelis, are entitled to a normal life.
The rest of the limitations Netanyahu mentioned, no new settlements, and no expropriations of land for settlements, were already there. Netanyahu also added that there will be restraint
I don't think Netanyahu has ever said the United States does not back down on its requests - it is others, maybe newspapers, maybe political campaigners, who have said that, and have attributed views to the United States government that it doesn't hold also. Netanyahu just listened a little bit more carefully to what was being said.
The United States was actually interested in peace talks - it asked for a halt to settlement activity only because it was told by some Arabs that that was what was requred for peace talks to start, and also thought it was a very little thing to ask of Israel. Now of course thinking that peace talks are a necessity s a problem - it is a problem because apparently some Arab countries have told the United States that the reason for some limitations on their co-operation in actions against terrorism and against Iran, is that the Arab public will accuse them of siding wth Israel, so the Israeli-Palestinian dispute needs to be settled first - and what they are telling the United States isn't true at all. And what's worse of course is that the very people making this claim are also trying their best to make it impossible.
The Obama Administration may also not have understood at all what has been blocking a peace agreement all this time, although maybe Scharansky and George Bush had a better clue, although I don't think they really understood either because the obstacles don't originate from any Palestinian Arabs.
Besides trying to get Israel to stop all settlement activity one other thing this kind of claim caused the United States to do was to arrange to evacuate all Jews from Yemen because protecting the Jews was possibly putting the ruler in a difficulty maybe even amounting to a dilemma. Maybe that's true - but you can't eliminate this factor in the case of Israel so easily! The anti-semitism simply has to be overcome, and in the end maybe can't be finessed. It certainly can't be dealt with any manner if you don't think it exists and what we have here is some kind of an ordinary not too difficult problem. If it really was so, you wouldn't even be asbnle to claim it was causing problems in other places.
Maybe the Obama Administration is beginning to realize it's being conned and this requirement for a peace settlement (which they insist is solely a matter for the Palestinians to agree to) before something else happens, has as much honesty behind it as that of the Wizard of Oz to Dorothy that she must get rid of the Wicked Witch of the West before she can see him. The intent is just to avoid doing something without saying no.
About Iran - the statement of Netanyahu does sound a little bit strange - he is praising the United States after all for what has been the policy since the beginning.
I think he is just trying to encourage the United States to do more and be more successful, and in the meantime of course not give up.
I think also he has concluded or been told that there is no real military option on the part of Israel -- which may or may mot be true -- and it is other countries who will have to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear bomb and delivery system.
ON this matter, I found a very interesting editorial in the Sunday November 1, 2009 New York Daily News:
Come on, now, you didn't really believe Iran would ship its uranium to Russia so it could be processed for peaceful uses?
And, come on, you didn't really think Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave a damn about President Obama's outstretched hand or the revelation that Iran has been running a secret nuclear facility?
Oops! Beg pardon. You knew all along that Iran had no intention of delaying atomic production for five minutes, let alone for the year the world might have gained with the Russian deal.
And, sorry, you knew all along Ahmadinejad was only playing for the time Iran needs to rise to dominance in the Middle East on the back of an atomic missile.
Right. It was obvious, wasn't it?
Then why does the world continue to participate in a charade that is marching the planet toward Armageddon?
good points, Sammy, thanks!
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