By Esther Revivo
Netivot, 28-12-08
7th Day of Chanukah
Well, I hate to join the many who say, "I told you so," but I did before the idiots then in government threw our brothers and sisters out of Gush Katif. In my efforts to convince Netivot's residents to join me in demonstrations against the "disengagement" (what a horrific sterile untruth that term represents!) I would rage at apathetic residents here in town, "...but if we give up land for nothing then eventually the rockets will reach us in Netivot!!!" Since when does a country give up something for less than nothing? DUH.....
Yesterday on Shabbat we finally witnessed what my dear pupils from Sederot at Ulpana Tzvia Sedot Negev have been going through for years already. The joyous calm of Shabbat repeatedly pierced by sirens blaring and the BOOOOM of rockets, decimating the beautiful atmosphere of the day. My eldest daughter who lives not far from Beit El remarked, "... now will you stop worrying about us? We are safer than you!"
Safe? Who is safe? What Jew is safe anywhere on Earth? Only through the unending loving kindness of our Creator are we still alive, many of us unaware of the thousands of miracles He has wrought in the past, and G-d willing continue to do for us in future. Who knows how many terrorists we strolled past on the street; saw on the bus or bus stop who possessed a bomb that didn't go off or was captured before detonation?
I am sorry I don't recall the name of the general (a former head of our pikud tzafon) who spoke on the radio last week. He said more or less, "I am willing to eat dry bread and olives for a few years! The hell with what the world says! I wish this government would let the IDF go into Gaza and do everything it takes to end this untenable situation despite anything the world throws our way."
Esther Revivo
הלואי the fact this war started on Chanuka be a רמז for good tidings for Am Yisrael.
as long as this criminaly insane traitorous self hating leftist pathetic coward ehud olmert is PM nothing good will come out from this war
browser, for Esther, in Netivot, it's a very different perspective. That's why I want her notes on the blog.
I see it the way you do, but I live in Shiloh, and I don't know where you live.
Debbie Schlussel pulls us all back down to earth.
Shy, I've been saying the same thing as Debbie, but it's important to understand the Israeli public.
I remember visiting Kiryat Shmoneh and hearing veteran residents complaining bitterly how the rest of the country didn't understand the terror, damage, death and injury the katyusha attacks from the Arab terrorists to the north had caused.
In the relative safety of Shiloh and whereever you are, it may seem rather foolish to be praising the Election Campaign War, but don't ignore the situation in the south.
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