Hamas War

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Election Campaign War News

There are a few blogs posting various updates and links about this war. If you want to save yourself the search for information, then I suggest you keep checking up on those blogs.

G-d willing, there will be more Notes from Netivot, and I hope to gt another friend in the enemies' target area to post, too. So, please keep checking here.

According to the latest news, no place is safe, especially since the war/campaign/operation has pushed the terrorists out of their closets.

At this point we don't know if the elections will be as scheduled, or later, before the dust settles, if the military results are good for the government. If the results are more like the Olmert-Livni war #1, then, elections will follow lots of spin, until we can't tell Left from Right.

If my cynicism is proven pragmatism, either they won't be delayed or just a tiny bit. That's because, as far as I'm concerned this is just a very bloody campaign event to promote Kadima and Labor, Livni and Barak.

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