Hamas War

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Remnants of the "Old" Kever Rachel (Rachel's Tomb)

The Kever Rachel of today doesn't resemble the old pictures. It doesn't resemble the place I visited in the fall of 1969. Then it was easy to imagine our forefather Jacob stopping there as his beloved wife, Rachel, went into labor to give birth to her second child; she died as her son was born.

Today it's an imposing fortress, which we enter on a special road. It's no longer the small, round-roofed, modest tomb in the dusty city of Bethlehem.

When I was there last week, I searched for remnants of the old building. I wonder if these pillars could have been what I once saw. They are so different from this corridor.

Outside, there's now a traffic circle with a "tree" of sorts. It did remind me a bit of that old street.

But today, you don't see the Arab tourist shops selling that blue-green Hebron glass, which used to be a classic souvenir.
Even though many people do visit Kever Rachel, I'm sure that nobody can enjoy it the way we once did.
"Peace" has certainly made life more difficult.


KennewickMusing said...

This is so sad, Batya.

Our whole world has lost it's collective mind, thanks to the soul-less "people".

My heart is heavy for Rachel's tomb, as it is for the young Rabbi, his wife, and others lost in Mumbai.

Godspeed to you and all who read your blogs.

Batya said...

Thanks for your kind words. We live in a crazy, dangerous time. Thank G-d the cook/maid rescued the baby.

Jacob Da Jew said...

When I went last time, it was really weird, with all the security an all.

Batya said...

jdj, actually, now there's less security than before. Regular cars can visit and stay in the parking lot. Also the heavy door is kept open.
But the heavy concrete structure remains.