Hamas War

Monday, November 30, 2009

Bad News in Blog Carnival Land

For the past few years, we blog carnival hosts have become very dependent on blog carnival, at least once I got used to it after a previous service closed down.

Your ordinary blogger chooses a post to contribute to a blog carnival, clicks the appropriate bc form, fills it out in two easy steps, and then bc sends a receipt to the blogger and all the info to the carnival host, including a html sentence which can be copied straight into the blog carnival.  One the predetermined deadline passes, a link to its "instacarnival" is sent to the carnival owner and host.  With some minor editing, it's possible to turn the "instacarnival" into a respectable blog carnival.  I've done it myself.  It's so easy, that it has made me a very lazy blog carnival host.

In the olden days I would get links in the mail and have to check out and embed them myself.  That's why I feel that instacarnival is like cheating.

Well, there's a problem.  Blog Carnival hasn't been fully functioning as of late.  I sent out a "send your links to Havel Havelim and the Kosher Cooking Carnival" notice yesterday to my mailing list.  Generally I start receiving them by Sunday night.  some Havel Havelim contributors do their best writing on Sundays.  Nothing came. So I experimented.  I sent one of my posts to myself.  No receipt and no bc notice.  I should have gotten two, as both the sender and host.  I tried again, and again zero.  I contacted Jack who said that the address is right, but if he had put up the  wrong address, I still would have gotten my receipt.  I sent a post to KCC, and still nothing. I sent a query to bc and still haven't heard from them. I asked my husband who's also a blogger to send in a post... nothing came to me, nor the receipt to him.

The bottom line:

Please send this week's deadline Friday Havel Havelim links to shilohmuse at gmail dot com  and please blog about it so more people will know.

Thank you!!

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