Hamas War

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rather "Forked Tongue." Isn't It?

You can't blame the world for having incorrect expectations from Bibi Netanyahu's government, when it speaks with a forked tongue.
Bibi's version of "center" seems more of a tease in all directions than a true and consistent ideology. It's not going to satisfy the world. And it counteracts all of the reasons Netanyahu gives for his anti-Pseudistinian State statements.
The present Israeli Government is a confusing hodge-podge of power-hungry politicians willing to sign anything for a Volvo*. They have no agreed ideology and policy even concerning life and death, the survival of the Jewish State.
Israeli citizens are neither secure, confident nor comforted knowing that this disparate group is in charge.
*The free use of a Volvo is the symbolic perk for Israeli Government Ministers.


SnoopyTheGoon said...

Bibi's version of "center" - but does Bibi has any version aside of opportunism - the only faith he sticks to?

Batya said...

Whatever he thinks will get him elected, but he goofed big, and Lieberman got votes. Others he lost because of how he treated Feiglin, and Feiglin lost because he stuck with Likud, and we lost, because most Israelis fall for the tricks of the opportunist politicians.

Anonymous said...

Israel's citizens are completely lost.

Batya said...

shy, I love those statistics which show that we have more kids than the Left, that's why the future is ours, if the Lefties don't destroy everything too quickly.

Anonymous said...

Whoops! I failed to detect this blatant statistical deviation:

"Eighty-four percent of respondents were self-defined as leftist or center-left;"That poll is about as reliable as the local weather forecasts.

Batya said...

Israelis have no concept of objectivity.

Keli Ata said...

Ah. Thanks for the PS about the Volvo! I've heard Israelis in Canada and the US say things about Israeli leaders selling the country away for a Volvo or Mitubishi on television reports and didn't know what in the world they were talking about.

Batya said...

keli, I know, it's funny how we each talk in the "shorthand" of our cultures, and we're not always understood by others.