Hamas War

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Doubled Our Numbers

My friends and I were back at Tel Shiloh today. We were more than double our other trips.

Tel Shiloh 2
When the idea of bringing women back to Tel Shiloh to pray came to me, I decided to work slowly. It wouldn't be good to announce a large massive prayer gathering, and then the next time, when fewer would come, it would be depressing. It would be like a failure. Tel Shiloh 5
Also my ultimate aim isn't a number of large isolated events, I'd like a steady flow of pilgrims, visitors.

Tel Shiloh 6
Shiloh isn't difficult to get to. There's bus service. It's also sometimes on the itinerary of tours. If thousands of people go to Hebron, why can't they feel comfortable going to Shiloh? It's the same distance from Jerusalem and much closer to Tel Aviv.

The Jewish Laws of prayer are derived from how Chana prayed in Shiloh.

Tel Shiloh 4
We met at the Tourist Center and glimpsed the Tabernacle Gallery & Cafe under construction.

Tabernacle Gallery & Cafe
Then we started walking to the Tel. The area of the Tel is large. There's also debate between the experts as to where exactly the ancient Tabernacle was located. There was no sign of last week's snow; it was a perfect day to wander about.

Tel Shiloh  1
Then we stood together and I explained why, davka today, Shiloh is the place to pray:

When Chana prayed for a son, it wasn't that she wanted a child for her own personal maternal needs, she wanted to give birth the the person who would lead our nation. The time of the Judges was when everybody did what they wanted. Even Eli the High Priest's sons were corrupt. It was time to begin the next stage in our existance, Malchut, the Reign of Kings.
Chana's son Shmuel (Samuel) was the leader who appointed our first two kings, Saul and then David, when Saul proved himself unsuited for the challenge.
We need a Shmuel to find us a David. And Shiloh is the place to pray.

Together we recited the Nishmat prayer and then we each said our own private prayers. And then we went home.
Tel Shiloh 3


Unknown said...

What a wonderful idea you have initiated. You are right, the way of women is to do something quietly but steadily until we succeed. I hope other women decide to join in your idea.
Yasher coah!!

Batya said...

sara, thank you so much