I've always promoted the Jewish Blog Carnivals, Havel Havelim, the Kosher Cooking Carnival and JPIX as community efforts. Eric's latest HH stresses that, too. He has a special message about the community of Jewish bloggers. I suggest you read it and visit the various blogs included in the round-up.
Just a reminder that next Wednesday is Rosh Chodesh Elul. I'll be hosting the next Kosher Cooking Carnival on me-ander. If you'd like to host one, please let me know. You're also invited to send your posts in.
Another big Rosh Chodesh event will be at Tel Shiloh, Women's Prayers.
Women's Prayers at Tel Shiloh
תפילת נשים בתל שילה
ראש חודש אלול
יום ד' 9:30 11-8
Rosh Chodesh Elul
Wed. 11-8, 9:30am
Everyone's Invited
כולן מוזמנות
Tel Shiloh is open to visitors all weekdays. For more information, including how to arrange special tours etc, please email telshilo@gmail.com or call 02-994-4019.
I suggest joining "Kehila" to promote aliya for those still living in Chutz LaAretz (= outside Israel).
goyish, you have blogging rights here, so you can help out with this. OK?
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