Hamas War

Monday, October 20, 2008

Shiloh Shines

Recently, many Israelis have made it to Shiloh for the first time, and I've spoken to some. They all have good things to say about their visit to Shiloh.

Even more important is that some were profoundly affected by the shechina (G-d's presence,) which remains here, even though the Tabernacle and Holy of Holies have long departed.

Last night, at a friend's simcha (joyous event,) I had the opportunity to speak to someone who tried helping me over the hurdles of changing my life, becoming religious, over forty years ago. It was so heartening to discover that now we are actually closer in our way of thinking than we were all those decades ago. She, too, strongly felt the kiddusha, holiness of Shiloh.
I keep asking why Shiloh isn't a popular place for pilgrimage, for prayer and special events.


Akiva said...

We came and enjoyed the festival very much with the whole family, as well as the tel. However, I noted:

1 - The crowd was very monolithic, about 95% settler.

2 - I'm not aware of any mesorah that the tel remains a particularly special place of the shechinah.

I agree it's a special place, and the ruins on the site are incredible.

Batya said...

I wish I had known you were there. I agree about your first point.
I'll have to ask my neighbors for details about your second. I've heard shiurim from Rabbi Dov Berkovits about it.