Hamas War

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


In Olmert's latest spin to make his Ethnic Cleansing-Resettlement Plan look more "humane," he's claiming that:
Only '20-30 settlements' to be removed under Olmert's plan

Here's my reply to the Jerusalem Post article. I wonder if they'll put it up on their "talkback."
OK Olmert, let's eliminate "only" three of your children, not all of them. Does that make you feel better?


Anonymous said...

i would suggest that you not use such radical examples. i'm afraid it plays into their hands. though it is hard to find the right framework to comment on such suicidal proposals, the problem seems to be that Olmert and company have a very different sense of what this country, and our people are all about. but i think that our best hope is, that unlike Sharon, they REALLY don't know what they are doing and how to get there.

Batya said...

in theory...