Hamas War

Friday, May 5, 2006

Olmert's speech, excerpts and commentary

*From the official English translation of Olmert's speech to the Knesset, at the ceremony which allowed him to remove "acting" as an adjective to Prime Minister. I’m quoting large chunks and then commenting on them. Remember that Olmert's speech, like those of many politicians all over the world, was written by a committee.

Yesterday, the State of Israel celebrated its 58th Independence Day. How great is the difference between the situation that the people of Israel were in on May 14, 1948 and our situation today. At the time of the Declaration of the Establishment of the State we stood, only three years after the Holocaust, with our backs to the wall. With meager resources and weaponry, we stood in a desperate military defensive against an invasion, whose declared purpose was the eradication of the newly born state. We were but a step away from extinction. The pages of history of the State of Israel since then are full of heroism, sacrifice, magnificent creation, construction, settlement, massive immigration absorption and a free and enlightened democratic government. The cycle of hostility around us, the war and terrorism, bereavement and pain, did not cease for one minute and did not stop the bursting vitality and the progress and prosperity of the State of Israel. This miracle is unprecedented in the history of nations.

*Amazing, he recognizes what we did in the past under much more difficult circumstances…

Therefore, we must focus on the area in which a Jewish majority is secured and ensured. The disengagement from the Gaza Strip and Northern Samaria was an essential first step in this direction, but the main part is still ahead. The continued dispersed settlement throughout Judea and Samaria creates an inseparable mixture of populations which will endanger the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish state.

*If his aim is really to keep away from Arabs, take a look at his map; it doesn't make sense.

It is those who believe, as I do, in Jabotinsky’s teachings and in full civil equality between Jews and Arabs, who must understand that partition of the land for the purpose of guaranteeing a Jewish majority is the lifeline of Zionism. I know how hard it is, especially for the settlers and those faithful to Eretz Yisrael, but I am convinced, with all my heart, that it is necessary and that we must do it with dialogue, internal reconciliation and broad consensus.

*We don't have full equality with the Arabs. They are allowed to build and flourish, while we Jews are restricted. Even when land is bought and legally leased, there are many parts of Eretz Yisrael from which we are expelled. That's the story behind Amona and it just happened again, with the backing of the Supreme Court, in Hebron. I see the massive Arab building in my area. They don't need permits; they're allowed to do whatever they wish.

We must preserve a stable and solid Jewish majority in our State.

*If he wants a solid Jewish majority, he should be supporting large Jewish families, instead of cutting child allowances. And the child allowances shouldn't be for the non-Jews. There should be cheap mortgages and subsidized public housing for large Jewish families.

From its birth, the State of Israel advocated two founding bases – the Jewish base and the democratic base: the supreme value of a “Jewish state”, at the same time with the uncompromising demand that the democratic state of Israel will provide “complete social and political equality to all its citizens, regardless of religion, race or gender”. These two bases embody the core values of the renewed Jewish sovereignty in the land of Israel. If you take one and disconnect if from the state, it is as if you cut off its lifeline.

*The worship of a perverse definition of "democracy" is endangering us. It's also at total contrast with the ideals and aims of Zionism. Earlier in his speech, which I quoted, he speaks with admiration of the accomplishments of our founding fathers. Here he mocks it.

Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will “be elevated above the chief joy” of the Government. We will work to transform Jerusalem into the political, cultural and business center of the State of Israel and the entire Jewish people.

*But it's already in the news that his government will be
dividing Jerusalem.

The Government will act to develop the Negev and the Galilee and consider them as areas of national priority. The national plan to develop the Negev and the future plan to develop the Galilee will create a real revolution in these areas. It is a huge challenge which the Government takes upon itself, with a sense of mission.

*If you want to get rid of areas of large Arab concentration, then the Galilee is the first place that ought to go. And the Negev has more Bedouin than the government wants to admit. It's also the most expensive and least hospitable place to develop. For decades it has been a "national priority," and with all the subsidies and grants, most Israelis find it impossible to live there. It's a large desert and isn't suitable for massive population.

Actually, Judea, and even more so Samaria are much more suitable, being easily accessible to the major cities and needing less infrastructure. Most of Samaria, like around Shiloh, are totally empty and available for Jewish development and growth.

Also, the Jewish communities, Olmert claims to be keeping, in Judea and Samaria, are among the most difficult between either their proximity to Arabs or their distance from the "green line." It's clear that if G-d forbid his plan comes to fruition, the next stage will be exiling those residents, too. And this will go on and on, G-d forbid, until the state is destroyed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that his plan to evict a100,000 Jews, destroy their houses , tens of synagogues and Jewish cemeteries he called in his speech "chevel hatzalah le zionut"(cord or rope of survival of Zionism) A statement right out of Goebbels directory. His plan is a rope around the necks of the Jewish entity.