When I wrote/composed the title I was thinking of Bibi Netanyahu's quest to form a Center, not Right wing coalition, but when I clicked the Jerusalem Post I saw a picture of a livingroom in Ashkelon destroyed by Arab-terrorist launched rockets. We shouldn't be surprised by that either. The recent war/operation/campaign was just "show." It didn't finish the job.
It was like a cancer operation which only took out some of the tumor and then didn't treat the patient with the most aggressive chemotherapy, radiation etc. Aspirin and antibiotics don't work against cancer and food and medical aid don't work against terrorists.
It was like a cancer operation which only took out some of the tumor and then didn't treat the patient with the most aggressive chemotherapy, radiation etc. Aspirin and antibiotics don't work against cancer and food and medical aid don't work against terrorists.
Back to Bibi... Last August at the International Jewish Blogger Convention I saw, heard and photographed him predicting, promising, to do what he is doing now, make every effort to form a Centrist coalition and woo back former Likudniks from Kadima. During the campaign there were many hints that he'd give Ehud Barak, former Reign of Terror, Prime Minister, the Defense portfolio.
Honestly, I'd feel safer with Bibi in the opposition. That's when he'd act more "Right."
I'd feel safer with Bibi being replaced.
Personally, I want Tsipi to be replaced. Oy. I can't believe she's letting her ego get in the way of forming the most responsible government possible. I was a fan of Kadima at first (I'm pretty much a centrist), but now I think it just needlessly muddies the voting system. I'd like to see Kadima die as a party so that we can see clearly whether voters fall mostly on the left or the right. Two bigger parties will make forming a coalition much more straightforward.
It's amazing. So many people on the right were duped into voting Likud because of believing that "Bibi really would be a right-wing leader this time".
And since that time, he's got on his knees and begged for Kadima to join a unity government, and was flatly rejected--only to take this rejection and decide to form a right-wing government--OH, wait, I mean get on his knees and beg Labor to join a coalition.
He's a joke, he really is.
It's amazing. So many people on the right were duped into voting Likud because of believing that "Bibi really would be a right-wing leader this time".
What do you base your claim on?
Netanyahu made no secret of his centrist positions way before the elections and he lost at least 6 to 8 mandates with the Feiglin demotion and more when Lieberman promised to save us from the Arabs.
And everyone was whining about how bad Olmert was. He did nothing for a palestinian state. Next you will see a full court press on Bibi and his leftist gov't. We sure know how to pick them.
Shy, we saw through him, but many others didn't. I had some very uncomfortable "conversations" with friends who no disappoint me.
Maya, Israel is in too much danger for us to stand on the fence.
Shiloh, you have a point.
comrade, you're right.
It takes a people with true faith in Hashem to stand and live in the land of Israel instead of always retreating and appeasing their enemies.
Grasshoppers do not have a future in modern Israel as they did not have a future in Israel of old.
Israel so easily led about by the ring in her nose and cannot say no to her destroyers because of the sin of idolatry.
Every Jew who went along with the U.S. led 2 state Road Map is the modern face of the faithless 10 spies and the majority who died in the midbar.
God tests His people and Israel ran to another for peace instead of Him and this is why Israel is cooking in a boiling stew.
Israel's sin of placing her hope and faith in the U.S for peace instead of obeying Hashem(Exodus 23:27-33) has led to this disaster. The extermination process we know as the Road Map has been very bad for Israel because idolatry always leads to disaster.
America is not your God, Israel.
Stop giving this reprobate nation more honor than you do to Him.
shy guy:
I wasn't talking about what he said necessarily (although he spoke of the need to create a RIGHT WING government under his leadership prior to the election as well).
Mostly, I am talk about what Batya is saying. The private conversations with other religious Zionists...
A lot of my friends were telling me that I was wrong about Bibi, and that he was just playing politics with the media, and that he would do right to the nationalist camp this time.
The truth remains the same... we can never trust a secular Zionist to lead a Jewish nation. If a leader's Zionism isn't strictly based on the Covenant, and doesn't put the fear of Hashem first in his mind, then that leader will always provide disappointment.
"The truth remains the same... we can never trust a secular Zionist to lead a Jewish nation. If a leader's Zionism isn't strictly based on the Covenant, and doesn't put the fear of Hashem first in his mind, then that leader will always provide disappointment."
Amen Selah Va'ed!
Remember what I always said about Bibi's trustworthiness?
If I had a spare sheqel, I wouldn't let Bibi hold it for a second.
We may disagree on some aspects of politics and stuff, but I am glad we are in full agreement on this character.
I'm also glad we agree, just sad that we don't have a truly gifted and trustworthy leader.
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