Hamas War

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

They Should Cover Clark Kent's Legal Fees

According to the Jerusalem Post, The Committee for Saving the Nation and Land of Israel is giving an honorarium of NS1,800 to the various civilians, non-policemen, who stopped Arab terror attacks by killing the terrorists.

Police can't be everywhere all the time, and even if they are at the right place, they don't always do the right thing. This has been the case during recent terror attacks.

In Israel, most men serve in the army. Our soldiers are our husbands, sons, neighbors, etc. So are our bravest heroes. I never cease to be surprised to discover that some seemingly ordinary guy isn't ordinary at all. But I guess that is ordinary in a community like mine.

And it's also nothing new for a "Clark Kent" looking guy to suddenly whip out his pistol and stop the Arab terrorist in his tracks by killing him.

That's what happened twelve and a half years ago, when an Arab terrorist rammed his car into dozens of bystanders, murdering one and wounding many, including me. Three young, yeshiva students on their way to Shiloh did what had to be done and killed the terrorist. If we had to wait for the police or army, he would have escaped.

It sounds simple, but the government was trying to prove that the Arab had made a sharp right onto the sidewalk and the sharp left on my foot to hit the dozens of innocent Jews by accident. So the police made life miserable for the heroes.

Sometimes even heroes can find themselves in trouble, so I hope that donors will cover any legal expenses which result. Nobody should avoid taking action to save others, because they're afraid of the police.

Of course, it would be even better if the police and army would destroy terrorism.

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