Considering that the tour was almost a month ago, and I didn't take notes, I can't give you a detailed description/explanation of the pictures. I'll just post them, and if anyone can add information, please do via the comments.
The tour started in Armon Hanatziv "Lookout." At one point we discovered a wedding going on.
Enjoy, and yes, although both Jerusalem and New York City are both cities and beautiful, they have nothing else in common.
Nice pix. What are you going to be doing next year, may I ask?
I notice the street sign. That is the name of one of your kids, right?
Actually, I'm not sure what I'll be doing. Siyatte d'shmaya
Yes, daughter #2 is Tzruya. She's the lawyer and mother of 3.
Beautiful photos.
I disagree; Jerusalem is much, much, much, much prettier than NYC.
And they do have something in common: traffic in Jerusalem now resembles traffic in New York City on Erev Thanksgiving. The city (Jerusalem) needs a good traffic planner.
Totally different types of beauty for sure.
The streets of Jerusalem were planned by the British who didn't think the NY-like grid system suited the hills.
I could see my old appartment at Hebrew University in the distance in one of your pictures.
I hope it brought back good memories.
Thanks for the fabulous pictures! Brought back memories...
Thanks, if you're ever back in Israel, try visiting Shiloh.
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