My musings, reflections on life here in Shiloh, Israel. Original, personal, spiritual and political. Peace, security and Israeli sovereignty. While not a "group blog," Shiloh Musings includes the voices of other Jews in The Land of Israel.
**Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged.
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Last week when my neighbors and I got off the bus on the main road,
across from Tourmus Aya, where it forks to Ma'aleh Levona, I took a couple of pictures of the Arab houses
including one under construction.
I just wonder... how big it will end up being....
I have some pictures from my visit to the Arab village (don't remember the exact name) where Yehoshua bin Nun and Calev ben Yefuneh are buried; if I don't get around to posting about them, they might be of interest to you. There were some very large houses there, and quite a bit of construction in some areas.
I have some pictures from my visit to the Arab village (don't remember the exact name) where Yehoshua bin Nun and Calev ben Yefuneh are buried; if I don't get around to posting about them, they might be of interest to you. There were some very large houses there, and quite a bit of construction in some areas.
The Arab mansions are all over and need more publicity.
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