Hamas War

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Dangerous to our Survival

sic "Peace" Now" is dangerous to the survival of Israel.

Since our miraculous victory in 1967, it has been systematically chipping at our rights to our Land.

There is no peace without our historic Land. There wasn't peace before the Six Days War. Living in Israel was a very difficult and dangerous challenge.

We have a long documented history of Jewish Life in Hebron. By demonstrating against Jews living in Hebron, sic "Peace" Now" is saying that Jews have no rights to live any place in Eretz Yisrael.


Anonymous said...

Not just "sic 'Peace Now'", but "sick 'Peace Now'"!


Batya said...

Good point. What does "sic" stand for linguistically?

Anonymous said...

Apparently it comes from the Latin for "thus" or "so". And as the assorted on-line dictionaries explain, "Used to indicate that a quoted passage, especially one containing an error or unconventional spelling, has been retained in its original form or written intentionally."

E.g., these turkeys [no insult intended to poultry] calling themselves "Peace Now" when what they are pushing for would only bring us the "peace" of the graveyard.


Batya said...

Thanks for the clarification.
How absurd of them to think that peace can be demanded. What an irresponsible and immature world we live in.