I know that leftists hate what I'm saying.
We're not all created "equal." Some
people are taller, shorter, fatter, thinner, more passive, more violent, more
intelligent and some are incurably stupid.
I'm not being racist when I say such things. I'm just being a CPA's daughter who sees the numbers very clearly.
A more benign version of some people's aversion to numbers is the tsk..tsking by the baby nurses when a baby's height or weight is in the 35th percentile.
"Maybe you should add other foods. Your child is under-average!"
Now, I hate to rain on your parade, but look at the numbers. What is a percentile chart? "Average" is in the middle. That means half are more and half are less. That's a fact of life, simple numbers.
Glad to have gotten that off my chest.
These are the same sort who make trouble in NYC.
However, the quote of Prof Shreker of Yeshiva University sums it up.
" Communists do not hold traditional views of Patriotism".
Yes, I know that it's an international problem. The insanity is contageous.
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