Hamas War

Friday, July 11, 2008


Just in from Matot Arim:
The Knesset is going on vacation in 2 weeks. Olmert's men are doing everything possible to torpedo what is supposed to be this Knesset's crowning seasonal achievement: a law which will force the traditionally leftwing Praklitut (State Prosecutor's office) to close the hundreds of criminal proceedings it initiated against those who protested the Disengagement from Gush Katif. This was discriminatory on the part of the Praklitut. As the former Chairman of the Knesset's Law and Justice Committee, middle-of-the-roader and disengagement proponent MK Micky Eitan pointed out today in Makor Rishon (Hebrew paper), "In students' demonstrations, although tens of thousands of people turned over cars and hurt policemen -- no-one was arrested".
The law is stuck yet again -- again in the Committee of MK Otniel Schneller from Olmert's party, Kadima. This time, as reported in Makor Rishon this morning, MK Schneller has thought of two brand-new excuses why to delay the law just a little more (till the vacation i.e.): First, Knesset Legal Advisor Nurit Elstein (yes -- also leftwing in orientation) has threatened that if (when) the law is challenged in the Bagatz - High Court of Justice -- she might refuse to defend it. Second, says Schneller innocently, isn't it better to simply negotiate with the State Prosecutor's office and reach an amiable agreement that these criminal proceedings be closed?
Please URGENTLY get in touch with MK Schneller (by SMS, fax or phone, whatever's easiest -- see below). He and Olmert MUST begin to understand that nowadays, ordinary citizens like us are clever enough to see through these excuses.
Here's an example fax (FEEL FREE TO DRAFT YOUR OWN!)
Re: Chanina for Katom Demonstrators (translation: clemency for right-wing demonstrators)
Dear Chairman Schneller,
It is shocking that the above law is still held up in the committee that you chair. It is obvious that the Prosecutor's office will never close these files since they have already had 3 years (since 2005) in which to do so. In fact, if you push the law through in the 2 weeks remaining to you, this is actually the only incentive that could possibly persuade the Prosecutor's office to close these cases on their own. Also, with all due respect -- there is little logic in your torpedoing this law now -- for fear that Legal Advisor Nurit Elstein will torpedo it later. Instead, you, Mr. Chairman, must show Adv. Elstein a good example NOW, by getting this law passed IMMEDIATELY, and when and if she fails to follow your good example in the future -- we will do whatever is needed to dissuade her then, just as we are doing whatever is needed to persuade you now! Please write back urgently to tell us that you have PASSED this law successfully from your committee to the next stage which is the Knesset plenary. Thank you so much. (signed) YOUR NAME

How to contact MK Schneller: SMS or phone to 050-2067968; 052-3808733; 054-5550123
* Fax 02-6496742 * Knesset tel no: 02-6408383. *
You can even call him at his home in Maaleh Michmash if you have the number handy
* e-mail oschneller@knesset.gov.il
Note: but SMS is more effective than e-mail.
Here's an example of an SMS to send to the 3 cellphone numbers above: MK Schneller, Chanina for Katom Demonstrators law must pass NOW! (add your name).

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