Note that I didn't use the word "choice" in my title here. As many people know, I'm in the midst of planning a new kitchen. We never made a change or even major repair in the kitchen we built as part of our house almost thirty-five years ago. We've changed the major appliances, but that's it. We probably should have done work, like major repairs, on the plumbing, but we didn't.
Some of you may be wondering why I'm writing about something as mundane as a kitchen on Shiloh Musings. Isn't that more a topic for A Jewish Grandmother? Yes and No. When it comes to the logistics, aesthetics, planning, appliances and things like that, yes, I'll be blogging a lot on A Jewish Grandmother. But a Jewish kitchen isn't just about style and even convenience. There is a lot of halacha, Jewish Law involved when planning a kitchen and choosing materials and even appliances.
Once my friends, in real time and the internet, facebook and blogging, heard that I was going to totally redo/renovate my kitchen the advice began flooding in. In almost all cases, I was told to get "X," because it would make Passover cleaning easier. And, inevitably, the recommended type of appliance or sink or countertop that can be kashered more easily for Passover is more expensive.
In Torah aka Orthodox Judaism we follow our rabbinic instructions/decisions/customs etc. Not all Orthodox rabbinic instructions/decisions/customs are the same, especially when it comes to Passover. There's a major difference between the instructions/decisions/customs of Ashkenaz (European) Jewry and the Sefardi (North African) Jews. And even within Sefardi Jews there's a big difference between, Yemenite, Moroccan and Tunisian etc including which cities the family had lived in.
It's not just a matter of who eats rice and/or lentils.
In general, Ashkenaz psak, decisions and procedures are strictest and most difficult. We are Ashkenazim, so we change and cover pretty much everything. We always had Passover sets of silverware, dishes, pots etc, so I never found myself learning how to kasher anything for Passover. Just take it out of storage.
Now I keep hearing that I must get a stainless steel sink, because it can be kashered for Passover. I may get one, but since I may have the chance to get a good regular one much more cheaply, then since I already have Passover sink bowls, I may decide to save the money. Renovations always entail extra expenses. We also need to buy new lighting fixtures, and now my husband is talking of changing the livingroom windows...
Countertops are another major issue. We have always completely covered our countertops. It's no big deal for me. Certainly in this stage of life I don't see the point in spending extra money and then have to pour boiling water over everything, which has safety and other risks.
When I say "this stage of life," I'm reminding you that the one week Passover Holiday is no longer a time of major cooking and entertaining for us. Our daughter, may she and her family live and be well, has taken over the big family Passover Seder and most other family entertaining/hosting. Our new kitchen must be suitable for two senior citizens, which is a topic for A Jewish Grandmother.
What do you think?
My musings, reflections on life here in Shiloh, Israel. Original, personal, spiritual and political. Peace, security and Israeli sovereignty. While not a "group blog," Shiloh Musings includes the voices of other Jews in The Land of Israel. **Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged. Thank you.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Monday, February 26, 2018
Will The USA Move Embassy to Jerusalem as a 70th "Shindig?"
Israel is now beginning to celebrate seventy 70 years of modern independence. The Jewish People had an independent Kingdom here in the very same place thousands of years ago. None of the peoples of that time or our ancient enemies still exist. But seventy years ago after a slow painstaking Zionist revolution, the Jewish People here in the Holy Land of Israel were able to reach the stage where a new Jewish State could be declared, defeat its military enemies and exist/thrive.
Seventy years ago, when Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, declared Israel's Independence from the occupation of the British Mandate, the odds of the tiny, weak Jewish population here to survive at all were extremely poor.
Very few of the countries that voted on November 29, 1947, in the United Nations General Assembly to "approve" the right for the Jews to have a country expected the country to be viable and survive. They didn't care either; they just wanted to act nice to the pathetic remnant of Jews after the Nazi Holocaust. There was more sympathy to the Arabs, whom they recognized as the rightful "owners" of the Land claimed by the Zionist Jews. That's one of the reasons why most countries located their embassies in Tel Aviv. For them, Jerusalem was Christian and Muslim, not Jewish.
Of course the "elephant in the room" is the Holocaust and how no country took a stand to protest the early anti-Jewish discrimination/restrictions or protect Jews in an official way. The United States entered the war for other reasons, and they had no battle plan to destroy the death camps.
Even though, Christians in the western world/culture use the Bible to swear on, they don't really take Ancient Jewish History seriously or connect it to modern Jewry.
Many American Presidents pledged to move the embassy to Jerusalem when campaigning. But once in office they just followed the State Department policy, or like Obama who had also pledged to help establish a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, they were clearly lying, saying anything to get a vote and funding from Jews. Remember that American Jewry is giving much less to Israel and Jewish causes nowadays, but they are very big in funding American political things, especially Leftist.
Donald Trump has shaken up American politics in more ways than one. He came from real estate business and reality TV. The politicians and pundits never expected him to get the Republican nomination and certainly never thought he'd defeat Hillary Clinton in the elections. But with the relatively new primary system, the American People spoke, and they chose Trump.
And Donald Trump is the first American President willing to "put his money where his mouth is," officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital City and move the American Embassy to there. Recent talk is that not only will it be done before the end of his presidential term but in a couple of months, around Israeli Independence Day.
Admittedly I'm a cynic, especially when it comes to politicians, but since Trump has been consistently hurrying the move rather than delaying it, maybe Gd willing it will become reality. What do you think?
Seventy years ago, when Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, declared Israel's Independence from the occupation of the British Mandate, the odds of the tiny, weak Jewish population here to survive at all were extremely poor.
Very few of the countries that voted on November 29, 1947, in the United Nations General Assembly to "approve" the right for the Jews to have a country expected the country to be viable and survive. They didn't care either; they just wanted to act nice to the pathetic remnant of Jews after the Nazi Holocaust. There was more sympathy to the Arabs, whom they recognized as the rightful "owners" of the Land claimed by the Zionist Jews. That's one of the reasons why most countries located their embassies in Tel Aviv. For them, Jerusalem was Christian and Muslim, not Jewish.
Of course the "elephant in the room" is the Holocaust and how no country took a stand to protest the early anti-Jewish discrimination/restrictions or protect Jews in an official way. The United States entered the war for other reasons, and they had no battle plan to destroy the death camps.
Even though, Christians in the western world/culture use the Bible to swear on, they don't really take Ancient Jewish History seriously or connect it to modern Jewry.
Many American Presidents pledged to move the embassy to Jerusalem when campaigning. But once in office they just followed the State Department policy, or like Obama who had also pledged to help establish a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, they were clearly lying, saying anything to get a vote and funding from Jews. Remember that American Jewry is giving much less to Israel and Jewish causes nowadays, but they are very big in funding American political things, especially Leftist.
Donald Trump has shaken up American politics in more ways than one. He came from real estate business and reality TV. The politicians and pundits never expected him to get the Republican nomination and certainly never thought he'd defeat Hillary Clinton in the elections. But with the relatively new primary system, the American People spoke, and they chose Trump.
And Donald Trump is the first American President willing to "put his money where his mouth is," officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital City and move the American Embassy to there. Recent talk is that not only will it be done before the end of his presidential term but in a couple of months, around Israeli Independence Day.
Admittedly I'm a cynic, especially when it comes to politicians, but since Trump has been consistently hurrying the move rather than delaying it, maybe Gd willing it will become reality. What do you think?
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The Knesset, Israel's Parliament, in Jerusalem, of course |
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Jerusalem Field Trip to The "Underground Museum"
A couple of weeks ago, the senior citizen "vattimkim," program I attend every week had a field trip to Jerusalem. I already blogged about our visit to the Jerusalem Municipality complex at Safra Square where we saw their amazing scale model of some of the city.
Just behind Safra Square is what's known as Migrash Harusim, the Russian Compound, in which there's a police station, jail and the jail that the British used when they were occupying the Land of Israel, during the Mandate.
In that old jail is a museum dedicated to the Jewish prisoners who had been arrested, held and executed by the British before the declaration of Independence of the State of Israel. Over the almost half a century I've lived in Israel, I visited that museum a number of times. Each time there are updates and improvements to help the visitors gain a good comprehension of what imprisonment was like there during that difficult time.
Most of the Jewish prisoners had been members of the Etzel and Lechi, known as the "underground." Since members of the Haganah and Palmach cooperated with the British by informing on the Etzel and Lehi, fewer of them were jailed. Pretty much everyone in our group has a good knowledge of pre-state history and knows the historical context of the Underground Museum. Our guide had to take that into account, and she was wonderful. When members of the group wanted to enter a room that the guide hadn't planned on showing, she cooperated happily.
Most of the group I was with didn't need
This is a wonderful museum, not too large. It is easy to get to by public transportation, bus and the lightrail. The tour guides are excellent, as are the public toilets.
Just behind Safra Square is what's known as Migrash Harusim, the Russian Compound, in which there's a police station, jail and the jail that the British used when they were occupying the Land of Israel, during the Mandate.
In that old jail is a museum dedicated to the Jewish prisoners who had been arrested, held and executed by the British before the declaration of Independence of the State of Israel. Over the almost half a century I've lived in Israel, I visited that museum a number of times. Each time there are updates and improvements to help the visitors gain a good comprehension of what imprisonment was like there during that difficult time.
Most of the Jewish prisoners had been members of the Etzel and Lechi, known as the "underground." Since members of the Haganah and Palmach cooperated with the British by informing on the Etzel and Lehi, fewer of them were jailed. Pretty much everyone in our group has a good knowledge of pre-state history and knows the historical context of the Underground Museum. Our guide had to take that into account, and she was wonderful. When members of the group wanted to enter a room that the guide hadn't planned on showing, she cooperated happily.
Most of the group I was with didn't need
This is a wonderful museum, not too large. It is easy to get to by public transportation, bus and the lightrail. The tour guides are excellent, as are the public toilets.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
A Couple of Things The USA Can Learn From Israel
The other day I wrote Aliyah: Not The "Ultimate Sacrifice," and this post will tell of a couple of things that we do much better in Israel than many other countries, especially the United States.
Since gun laws, the "right" or "privilege" to own a gun by private citizens has become a major issue in America, I must say that Israel's laws concerning private gun ownership are the most sensible and realistic. Nobody has the right to own a gun. There's an approval process that not everyone passes before being able to go through with a gun purchase. You need a gun licence. To get the license you have to show a security need for a gun, mental stability and knowledge of of how to use it. Only the licensed owner is permitted to use/carry the gun, and it must be locked up when not not with the licensed owner. In Israel, guns are not sport, nor are they used for hunting. Target shooting is only in special places where innocent bystanders can't be harmed.
All Israelis are covered by basic healthcare. GP and basic tests are included. Medications are relatively inexpensive. There are emergency clinics so one doesn't need to go to the more expensive and unpleasant emergency rooms. If one is sent to the emergency room by a doctor, then the charge is different. And one of my biggest surprises was since I worked past retirement age, I was exempt from paying the monthly healthcare fee. In Israel you have a choice of "sick funds." It is generally recommended to choose one that gives good service where you live. Here in Shiloh there are two, and they are both very good. Besides GPs and pediatricians, the one we go to has a number of other specialists weekly or monthly. Those unemployed or on welfare are also covered. In recent years the sick funds have been opening dental clinics, so dental care is now more affordable. The branches of all the sick funds are national, all over the country, so if you're not home and need a doctor, you can make an appointment in a nearby clinic.
I thank Gd that I live in Israel. It was one of the best decisions, if not the best I made in my entire life.
Since gun laws, the "right" or "privilege" to own a gun by private citizens has become a major issue in America, I must say that Israel's laws concerning private gun ownership are the most sensible and realistic. Nobody has the right to own a gun. There's an approval process that not everyone passes before being able to go through with a gun purchase. You need a gun licence. To get the license you have to show a security need for a gun, mental stability and knowledge of of how to use it. Only the licensed owner is permitted to use/carry the gun, and it must be locked up when not not with the licensed owner. In Israel, guns are not sport, nor are they used for hunting. Target shooting is only in special places where innocent bystanders can't be harmed.
All Israelis are covered by basic healthcare. GP and basic tests are included. Medications are relatively inexpensive. There are emergency clinics so one doesn't need to go to the more expensive and unpleasant emergency rooms. If one is sent to the emergency room by a doctor, then the charge is different. And one of my biggest surprises was since I worked past retirement age, I was exempt from paying the monthly healthcare fee. In Israel you have a choice of "sick funds." It is generally recommended to choose one that gives good service where you live. Here in Shiloh there are two, and they are both very good. Besides GPs and pediatricians, the one we go to has a number of other specialists weekly or monthly. Those unemployed or on welfare are also covered. In recent years the sick funds have been opening dental clinics, so dental care is now more affordable. The branches of all the sick funds are national, all over the country, so if you're not home and need a doctor, you can make an appointment in a nearby clinic.
I thank Gd that I live in Israel. It was one of the best decisions, if not the best I made in my entire life.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Archeology Proving The Biblical Narrative True
The more Bible, Tanach I study, and the more I learn about recent archaeological finds, the more it seems like even scientists are admitting that the Biblical narrative is true.
Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach
May You have a Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Houses on the Road to Amichai
Yesterday on my way home to Shiloh, I could see the caravillot, temporary homes on their way to Amichai, the new town just southeast of Shiloh.
Priority for living there is being given to those who had been thrown out of Amona, which was on a hill right next to Ofra. The residents of Amona had undergone two very traumatic destructions. One was partial, and the most recent totally leveled their peaceful community, making all residents homeless. As compensation, the government decided to build a new community for them, Amichai.
Amichai is southeast of Shiloh, south of Shvut Rachel, near a number of small hilltop farming communities and has been allocated land for growth. It is a beautiful area. It is a short distance from the Alon Road which goes north-south in the Jordan Valley. The children who had lived in Amona and whose parents agreed to move to Amichai have been bussed to the Shiloh elementary schools this year.
We, in Gush Shiloh, the bloc of communities surrounding Shiloh, are very excited about the establishment of the new town, although we are very upset that Amona had been destroyed. Why does it always take death, murder and destruction to galvanize the Israeli government to build new towns and communities?
Yesterday on my way home to Shiloh, I could see the caravillot, temporary homes on their way to Amichai, the new town just southeast of Shiloh.
Priority for living there is being given to those who had been thrown out of Amona, which was on a hill right next to Ofra. The residents of Amona had undergone two very traumatic destructions. One was partial, and the most recent totally leveled their peaceful community, making all residents homeless. As compensation, the government decided to build a new community for them, Amichai.
Amichai is southeast of Shiloh, south of Shvut Rachel, near a number of small hilltop farming communities and has been allocated land for growth. It is a beautiful area. It is a short distance from the Alon Road which goes north-south in the Jordan Valley. The children who had lived in Amona and whose parents agreed to move to Amichai have been bussed to the Shiloh elementary schools this year.
We, in Gush Shiloh, the bloc of communities surrounding Shiloh, are very excited about the establishment of the new town, although we are very upset that Amona had been destroyed. Why does it always take death, murder and destruction to galvanize the Israeli government to build new towns and communities?
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
(a guest post by Mr. Cohen)
In recent years, Jewish Feminists have claimed that
Vashti, the wife of King Achashverosh from the
Biblical Book of Esther, was a Feminist hero or role model.
(1) Targum Yonatan on Esther, chapter 1, verse 9,
translates “Queen Vashti” [וַשְׁתִּי הַמַּלְכָּה] into Aramaic
as “Vashti the evil Queen” [ושתי מלכתא רשיעתא].
(2) Vashti deserved punishment because she forced
Claiming that Vashti was hero of the Book of Esther
is like claiming that Eva Braun was hero of World War II.
Eva Braun was the girlfriend of Adolph Hitler [yemach shemo].
Please also read: If Daniel Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Jeremiah Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Isaiah Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Ezekiel Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Ezra Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Nehemiah Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Joshua Were Alive Today:
PLEASE help by making a PayPal donation to:
Why Muslims Hate Jews:
Why Barak Hullman left Reform Judaism and became Orthodox:
Sephardic Jews Reject Reform Judaism:
Quick quote from Famous Jewish mega-donor about Jewish Continuity:
Greek NYC Jews and Syrian NYC Jews
(a rarely-told true story that very few people know about):
How to Convict the New York Times of Unfair Bias Against Israel:
How Torah Can Defeat Terrorism:
Do Palestinians Want a Two-State Solution?
by Daniel Polisar, PhD in Political Science
(a guest post by Mr. Cohen)
In recent years, Jewish Feminists have claimed that
Vashti, the wife of King Achashverosh from the
Biblical Book of Esther, was a Feminist hero or role model.
This claim can be refuted with knowledge of Torah.
Why Vashti was evil [quick summary in time order]:
======================================(1) Targum Yonatan on Esther, chapter 1, verse 9,
translates “Queen Vashti” [וַשְׁתִּי הַמַּלְכָּה] into Aramaic
as “Vashti the evil Queen” [ושתי מלכתא רשיעתא].
(2) Vashti deserved punishment because she forced
Jewish women to work on Shabbat [while naked]
(Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer, chapter 48 and also
Babylonian Talmud, tractate Megillah, page 12B).
“As for My people, their rulers are mockers,
(Midrash Rabah, Book of Esther, chapter 3, paragraph 2).
(Midrash Rabah, Esther, chapter 3, end of paragraph 2).
(7) Vashti desecrated the sacred garments of
the Jewish High Priest (Midrash Rabah on the
(3) Vashti did not come [when she was summoned
by her husband, King Achashverosh], only because
she was suddenly struck with leprosy
(Babylonian Talmud, tractate Megillah, page 12B).
(Babylonian Talmud, tractate Megillah, page 12B).
(4) Vashti is the ONLY woman who is explicitly
identified as an evil woman [ושתי הרשעה] by the Talmud
(Babylonian Talmud, tractate Megillah, page 12B).
Even the wives of Esau and the wife of Lot were
never explicitly labeled as evil women by the Talmud.
Even Zeresh, the wife of Haman [וַיְסַפֵּר הָמָן לְזֶרֶשׁ אִשְׁתּוֹ],
from the Book of Esther, chapter 6, verse 13, was never
explicitly labeled as an evil woman by the Talmud.
(5) Vashti’s reign was a fulfillment of the curse of
the Biblical Prophet Isaiah (chapter 3, verse 12): “As for My people, their rulers are mockers,
(Midrash Rabah, Book of Esther, chapter 3, paragraph 2).
(6) Vashti was one of four women who held power
in the world and oppressed the Jewish people (Midrash Rabah, Esther, chapter 3, end of paragraph 2).
(7) Vashti desecrated the sacred garments of
the Jewish High Priest (Midrash Rabah on the
Biblical Book of Esther, chapter 3, paragraph 9).
(8) Vashti influenced King Achashverosh to
stop the
reconstruction of the Jewish Temple
in Jerusalem (Midrash Rabah on the
Book of Esther, chapter 5, paragraph 2).
(9) Rashi’s commentary on Esther, chapter 2,
verse 1,
teaches that King Achashverosh regretted killing Vashti
because of her
beauty – [which suggests that Vashti’s
physical beauty was her only positive
(10) Yalkut Meam Loez commentary on Esther,
chapter 1, verse 9, (based on earlier sources):
Vashti wanted to tempt the Jews to commit sexual
misdeeds, so they would be unworthy of rebuilding
the Temple in Jerusalem, that her grandfather,
Nebuchadnezzar, had destroyed.
(12) Esther is mentioned 55 times in the entire Book of Esther.
Esther is mentioned in every chapter except for
the first chapter and the very short last chapter or 10th chapter.
Vashti is mentioned 7 times in the first chapter of the Book of Esther,
and 3 times in the second chapter, but never after the second chapter.
(10) Yalkut Meam Loez commentary on Esther,
chapter 1, verse 9, (based on earlier sources):
Vashti wanted to tempt the Jews to commit sexual
misdeeds, so they would be unworthy of rebuilding
the Temple in Jerusalem, that her grandfather,
Nebuchadnezzar, had destroyed.
(11) Yalkut Meam Loez commentary on Esther,
chapter 1, verse 11, (based on earlier sources):
Vashti wanted to the Jews
to forget Shabbat,
so they would no longer have hope for redemption
rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem,
(12) Esther is mentioned 55 times in the entire Book of Esther.
Esther is mentioned in every chapter except for
the first chapter and the very short last chapter or 10th chapter.
Vashti is mentioned 7 times in the first chapter of the Book of Esther,
and 3 times in the second chapter, but never after the second chapter.
Vashti was: NOT a hero, and NOT a
Feminist, and NOT righteous.
Vashti does NOT deserve the admiration of any person.Claiming that Vashti was hero of the Book of Esther
is like claiming that Eva Braun was hero of World War II.
Eva Braun was the girlfriend of Adolph Hitler [yemach shemo].
Please also read: If Daniel Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Jeremiah Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Isaiah Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Ezekiel Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Ezra Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Nehemiah Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Joshua Were Alive Today:
PLEASE help by making a PayPal donation to:
Quick Bible Quotes from Joshua and Jeremiah:
Ancient Roman historians connected Jews with the Land of Israel and Jerusalem:
Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah: Muslims Hate Jews:
Forgotten Oppression against Jews:
American anti-Semitism:
How a Reform Rabbi Become Orthodox (true story): Barak Hullman left Reform Judaism and became Orthodox:
Sephardic Jews Reject Reform Judaism:
Quick quote from Famous Jewish mega-donor about Jewish Continuity:
Greek NYC Jews and Syrian NYC Jews
(a rarely-told true story that very few people know about):
How to Convict the New York Times of Unfair Bias Against Israel:
Why Pray for Tzahal-IDF:
How to Pray for Tzahal-IDF: Torah Can Defeat Terrorism:
Do Palestinians Want a Two-State Solution?
by Daniel Polisar, PhD in Political Science
Articles Refuting the so-called “Two-State Solution”:
PLEASE HELP DEFEND ISRAEL FROM UNFAIR MEDIA:*********************************************************
Rosh Chodesh Nissan A Shabbat
I was planning on posting the announcement of the Women's Rosh Chodesh Prayers at Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh, but since it will be on a Shabbat we won't be able to have our usual celebration.
Rosh Chodesh Nissan will be on a Sunday and Monday, but I haven't yet decided which day to make the Women's Prayers. I'll blog it when I do.
Rosh Chodesh Adar was lovely and cheerful. It will be Purim in just over a week. I am not ready at all. But it's Adar, and we must be happy!
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Zachor! Remember!
This upcoming Shabbat is Shabbat Zachor! Remember! It's a mitzvah, Torah commandment to remember that we have enemies who want to destroy us completely and take advantage of our weaknesses, like the Biblical Amaleks.
This Shabbat also marks twenty-two 22 years since I was injured in an Arab terror attack, which was the first ramming attack. A woman was murdered by the Arab terrorist at "my" terror attack, and a couple of dozen were injured more seriously than myself.
Yesterday, when on a bus home, I suddenly noticed that two of the bus windows had obvious signs that they had been hit by rocks. And it's no secret that there are periodic Arab terror attacks, low-tech rock throwing, on the roads. Rocks when thrown by Arab terrorists can kill, too. Yehuda Shoham, HaYa"D, the baby son of neighbors was killed by Arab terrorists throwing rocks at their car.
I posted the photos on Instagram and facebook. Lots of people asked what had happened, so I replied that the damage was from an old attack. Egged Taavura just hasn't replaced the windows. Then someone wrote that those damaged windows are a reminder, like Shabbat Zachor. That's a very good point.
REMEMBER we have real enemies who want us dead and no allies who will help defend us. We, the Jewish People only have each other and Gd.
This Shabbat also marks twenty-two 22 years since I was injured in an Arab terror attack, which was the first ramming attack. A woman was murdered by the Arab terrorist at "my" terror attack, and a couple of dozen were injured more seriously than myself.
Yesterday, when on a bus home, I suddenly noticed that two of the bus windows had obvious signs that they had been hit by rocks. And it's no secret that there are periodic Arab terror attacks, low-tech rock throwing, on the roads. Rocks when thrown by Arab terrorists can kill, too. Yehuda Shoham, HaYa"D, the baby son of neighbors was killed by Arab terrorists throwing rocks at their car.
I posted the photos on Instagram and facebook. Lots of people asked what had happened, so I replied that the damage was from an old attack. Egged Taavura just hasn't replaced the windows. Then someone wrote that those damaged windows are a reminder, like Shabbat Zachor. That's a very good point.
REMEMBER we have real enemies who want us dead and no allies who will help defend us. We, the Jewish People only have each other and Gd.
Monday, February 19, 2018
Aliyah: Not The "Ultimate Sacrifice"
Not long ago I heard a speaker say something that I found so outrageous, sacrilegious, 'חילול ד chillul Hashem, disparaging of Gd and the Land of Israel, that I searched him out afterwards to tell him how upset he had gotten me. He had called Aliyah "The Ultimate Sacrifice."
Of course I understand that Aliyah, the move to Israel is sometimes more difficult for others as it was for me, but to call it The "Ultimate Sacrifice" puts a value on living outside of Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel over living here that has no place in Judaism or reality.
Of course there are adjustments one must make in any move, whether from Brooklyn to Monsey or Monsey to Jerusalem. Most people find any change traumatic, especially when the decision is made by someone else. And sometimes parents don't "market it well" for their kids or find the right educational framework. In any move, parents must be sensitive to their children's needs and advocate for them. I'm still upset with my parents' oblivion to my suffering when we moved from Bayside, NYC, NY to Great Neck, NY. Even though the physical distance was just a few miles, the educational system was totally different. I was put back a grade, and my parents hadn't a clue or didn't care. Maybe it was the parenting style of that time, but nobody, neither parents nor school guidance counselors, ever spoke to me about it.
Moving to Israel, making Aliyah, is totally different from any other move. First of all, Gd commanded us to live in Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel. Many of the mitzvot, Torah commandments can only be done here. Besides that, there are government offices and Nefesh B'Nefesh which are dedicated to facilitating the absorption, adjustment, of olim chadashim, newcomers to Israel.
Unlike when my husband and I made aliyah, came here in 1970, Israel is on the same if not higher technological, standard of living as any place else in the world. Today's Israel also has one of the world's strongest economies.
Every move demands change and adjustment. But if you are angry about the decision that had been made for you, learning to see the good and adjusting will be near impossible.
Israel is a wonderful, beautiful country, full of goodness, miracles and chessed. To me it's a sacrifice living any place else.
Before one of my sons went into the IDF he was in a program which had a very good fitness trainer who always said:
Of course I understand that Aliyah, the move to Israel is sometimes more difficult for others as it was for me, but to call it The "Ultimate Sacrifice" puts a value on living outside of Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel over living here that has no place in Judaism or reality.
Of course there are adjustments one must make in any move, whether from Brooklyn to Monsey or Monsey to Jerusalem. Most people find any change traumatic, especially when the decision is made by someone else. And sometimes parents don't "market it well" for their kids or find the right educational framework. In any move, parents must be sensitive to their children's needs and advocate for them. I'm still upset with my parents' oblivion to my suffering when we moved from Bayside, NYC, NY to Great Neck, NY. Even though the physical distance was just a few miles, the educational system was totally different. I was put back a grade, and my parents hadn't a clue or didn't care. Maybe it was the parenting style of that time, but nobody, neither parents nor school guidance counselors, ever spoke to me about it.
Moving to Israel, making Aliyah, is totally different from any other move. First of all, Gd commanded us to live in Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel. Many of the mitzvot, Torah commandments can only be done here. Besides that, there are government offices and Nefesh B'Nefesh which are dedicated to facilitating the absorption, adjustment, of olim chadashim, newcomers to Israel.
Unlike when my husband and I made aliyah, came here in 1970, Israel is on the same if not higher technological, standard of living as any place else in the world. Today's Israel also has one of the world's strongest economies.
Every move demands change and adjustment. But if you are angry about the decision that had been made for you, learning to see the good and adjusting will be near impossible.
Israel is a wonderful, beautiful country, full of goodness, miracles and chessed. To me it's a sacrifice living any place else.
Before one of my sons went into the IDF he was in a program which had a very good fitness trainer who always said:
הכל בראשThe meaning is that you actually can control your feelings and capabilities. If you look at Aliyah as The "Ultimate Sacrifice," then you will always feel victimized by it, rather than a privileged beneficiary of living here in Gd's HolyLand.
Hakol barosh.
"It's all in your head."
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Objective Journalism, Does it Exist?
I used to be a real newshound, addicted to listening to the news, reading whatever newspapers I could find, watching news shows. Yes, the whole works. And I loved the dynamics of politics ever since I was a teen. Now, as you may have noticed from the blog posts here, I'm disgusted and horrified.
There is nothing that even vaguely resembles objective news reporting. Not only do they all have their agendas, but there's no such thing as fact checking. It's beyond ignorance. There's an innocence in ignorance, but nowadays a don't see that at all. There are vicious attacks, like a modern version of the auto-da-fé.
At first I was very excited to discover that we could watch BBC News on our television, since I had happily listened to the radio version for decades. Then I had considered it, except for news on Israel*, pretty objective. But as the last American Presidential Campaign began to heat up, their support for Hillary and the Democrats so distorted their reports I could no longer trust their objectivity about anything. And not only hasn't it gotten better, it has gotten much worse. We don't have cable, just a simple "dish," and recently we don't even get the Israeli stations. CNN was never known for its objectivity.
Then I discovered the English French TV News Channel, and I had great hopes for it, since it's not that interested in American news. I began watching it, but then they began a feature about the Israel-Arab "conflict." It begins with:
About thirty 30 years ago, in the days when we hosted many journalists of an amazing selection of international media, I had a talk with a top editor of an American newspaper. I asked him what training, education he looked for when hiring someone starting in the profession. He said that he does not like to hire those with degrees in journalism, since they don't know anything other than how to write. He looks for those who majored in History, Economics, Science etc.
I can't see how it will get better. I am pessimistic for the future.
*During the Intifada Part 1, I was horrified to hear an excited BBC radio reporter telling that he was with Arabs throwing rocks on Jews and how they tried to protect their eyes from the teargas the Israeli soldiers aimed at them to stop them. And in those days BBC even came to our house to film us and ask us questions.
There is nothing that even vaguely resembles objective news reporting. Not only do they all have their agendas, but there's no such thing as fact checking. It's beyond ignorance. There's an innocence in ignorance, but nowadays a don't see that at all. There are vicious attacks, like a modern version of the auto-da-fé.
An auto-da-fé or auto-de-fé (from Portuguese auto da fé [ˈaw.tu dɐ ˈfɛ], meaning "act of faith") was the ritual of public penance of condemned heretics and apostates that took place when the Spanish Inquisition, Portuguese Inquisition or the Mexican Inquisition had decided their punishment, followed by the execution by the civil authorities of the sentences imposed.Media interviews are more like either vicious interrogations or the fawning style seen in simplistic fan magazines of old.
The most extreme punishment imposed on those convicted was execution by burning. In popular usage, the term auto-da-fé, the act of public penance, came to mean the burning at the stake. Wikipedia
At first I was very excited to discover that we could watch BBC News on our television, since I had happily listened to the radio version for decades. Then I had considered it, except for news on Israel*, pretty objective. But as the last American Presidential Campaign began to heat up, their support for Hillary and the Democrats so distorted their reports I could no longer trust their objectivity about anything. And not only hasn't it gotten better, it has gotten much worse. We don't have cable, just a simple "dish," and recently we don't even get the Israeli stations. CNN was never known for its objectivity.
Then I discovered the English French TV News Channel, and I had great hopes for it, since it's not that interested in American news. I began watching it, but then they began a feature about the Israel-Arab "conflict." It begins with:
"In 1967 Israel invaded..."Grrr... That's what people all over the world think, and what is taught in universities even in the USA. And I have this nasty, frightening feeling that even some Israelis are oblivious to the facts, the Arab aggression that led up to the 1967 Six Days War. In order to survive, Israel had no choice other than shoot first.
About thirty 30 years ago, in the days when we hosted many journalists of an amazing selection of international media, I had a talk with a top editor of an American newspaper. I asked him what training, education he looked for when hiring someone starting in the profession. He said that he does not like to hire those with degrees in journalism, since they don't know anything other than how to write. He looks for those who majored in History, Economics, Science etc.
"Any knowledgeable university graduate can be taught how to write a good article, but I can't teach a Journalism graduate facts."Things have changed drastically in the international media. I no longer have objective sources to learn current events and get an accurate idea of what's really happening in politics. I just know what's happening on the ground here in Israel, but not from the media. Today fake news is all over, and when trying to check accuracy, you really need to be an expert. This is both dangerous and sad. People are making decisions based on lies, fantasies, fake news and worse.
I can't see how it will get better. I am pessimistic for the future.
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Here's a picture of a program from the French news channel. |
*During the Intifada Part 1, I was horrified to hear an excited BBC radio reporter telling that he was with Arabs throwing rocks on Jews and how they tried to protect their eyes from the teargas the Israeli soldiers aimed at them to stop them. And in those days BBC even came to our house to film us and ask us questions.
Friday, February 16, 2018
Adar, Purim, The Month of Joy
I had a very different post in my head that I may write in the future, but since today is the first of the Jewish Month of Adar, 5778, I decided that it wouldn't be appropriate.
We'll be celebrating Purim in two weeks or less depending on where you live. Purim is a Jewish Holiday which celebrates Gd's presence even when we don't see Him directly. The Megillat Ester, Scroll of Esther, which is read twice each Purim day, doesn't mention the Name of Gd. But if you read the narrative carefully, you see that Gd is protecting the Jewish People behind the scenes.
It's the real Holiday of Joy, because we are commanded to be optimistic and trust Gd. This is not to be done passively. Purim is not a holiday to stand on the sidelines. We must act, even fight if necessary. When we do fight, Gd will help us. We also must pray and help other Jews.
Here in Shiloh, we celebrate two days of Purim, the regular one and what's known as Shushan Purim, which is the following day. I've heard the Megillah read over 140 times since moving to Shiloh, and the readings were all very clear and easy to follow. We, the Jewish People, have been celebrating the holiday for thousands of years, one of the proofs that we are the People of This Land and of the Bible.
At the end of the Megillah, we're commanded to give food gifts to our neighbors, and we do it to this day. Every time I hear it, I feel totally connected to the narrative in the Megillah. We read and listen to the story and follow the commandments, the same as Jews did two thousand years ago.
"When Adar begins, joy enters..."
We'll be celebrating Purim in two weeks or less depending on where you live. Purim is a Jewish Holiday which celebrates Gd's presence even when we don't see Him directly. The Megillat Ester, Scroll of Esther, which is read twice each Purim day, doesn't mention the Name of Gd. But if you read the narrative carefully, you see that Gd is protecting the Jewish People behind the scenes.
It's the real Holiday of Joy, because we are commanded to be optimistic and trust Gd. This is not to be done passively. Purim is not a holiday to stand on the sidelines. We must act, even fight if necessary. When we do fight, Gd will help us. We also must pray and help other Jews.
Here in Shiloh, we celebrate two days of Purim, the regular one and what's known as Shushan Purim, which is the following day. I've heard the Megillah read over 140 times since moving to Shiloh, and the readings were all very clear and easy to follow. We, the Jewish People, have been celebrating the holiday for thousands of years, one of the proofs that we are the People of This Land and of the Bible.
At the end of the Megillah, we're commanded to give food gifts to our neighbors, and we do it to this day. Every time I hear it, I feel totally connected to the narrative in the Megillah. We read and listen to the story and follow the commandments, the same as Jews did two thousand years ago.
"When Adar begins, joy enters..."
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Jewish Book Carnival- February, 2018
This is my first turn at hosting the Jewish Book Carnival, which appears monthly. It's a collection of links to posts about Jewish books and Jewish Literature. In some cases the posts are book reviews of Jewish books, while others are about Jewish literature or authors.
A number of bloggers sent me links. Please visit, comment and share, thanks.
Over on My Machberet, Erika Dreifus routinely curates pre-Shabbat Jewish-lit links. Here's one recent post, which includes a link to Erika's own article on the AJL Fiction Award for Tablet magazine.
Heidi Rabinowitz interviews Antonio Iturbe, author of THE LIBRARIAN OF AUSCHWITZ. This book won the 2018 Sydney Taylor Book Award in the Teen Readers Category. Antonio Iturbe on the 2018 Sydney Taylor Book Award Blog Tour
New English Review has Jewish Memories and Visions: A Review of Two Books.
Deborah Kalb interviews a wide variety of authors on her blog, Here's a recent interview with Dara Horn about her new novel, ETERNAL LIFE.
SYLVIA ROUSS wrote Lessons I’ve Learned from 25 Years in Children’s Publishing.
Barbara Bietz blogs about Almost A Minyan by Lori Kline, including interviewing the author.
On Sasson Magazine, the new site for alt-frum writers and authors, Rivka Levy shares 10 tips on how authors can continue to enjoy writing even when they aren't earning a lot of money, or getting a lot of kudos for their work.
I reviewed the fictionalized history of Rabbi Akiva by Yochi Brandes, The Orchard.
I highly recommend that anyone who is interested in Jewish Literature or reviews Jewish books should get involved in this blog carnival.
The purposes of the Jewish Book Carnival are:
Next month's Jewish Book Carnival will be hosted by The Whole Megillah. Please send in your link and blurb to, with "Jewish Book Carnival" as the subject, by March 10, 2018, thanks.
A number of bloggers sent me links. Please visit, comment and share, thanks.
Over on My Machberet, Erika Dreifus routinely curates pre-Shabbat Jewish-lit links. Here's one recent post, which includes a link to Erika's own article on the AJL Fiction Award for Tablet magazine.
Heidi Rabinowitz interviews Antonio Iturbe, author of THE LIBRARIAN OF AUSCHWITZ. This book won the 2018 Sydney Taylor Book Award in the Teen Readers Category. Antonio Iturbe on the 2018 Sydney Taylor Book Award Blog Tour
New English Review has Jewish Memories and Visions: A Review of Two Books.
Deborah Kalb interviews a wide variety of authors on her blog, Here's a recent interview with Dara Horn about her new novel, ETERNAL LIFE.
SYLVIA ROUSS wrote Lessons I’ve Learned from 25 Years in Children’s Publishing.
Barbara Bietz blogs about Almost A Minyan by Lori Kline, including interviewing the author.
On Sasson Magazine, the new site for alt-frum writers and authors, Rivka Levy shares 10 tips on how authors can continue to enjoy writing even when they aren't earning a lot of money, or getting a lot of kudos for their work.
I reviewed the fictionalized history of Rabbi Akiva by Yochi Brandes, The Orchard.
I highly recommend that anyone who is interested in Jewish Literature or reviews Jewish books should get involved in this blog carnival.
The purposes of the Jewish Book Carnival are:
- To build community among bloggers who feature Jewish books on their blogs
- To promote Jewish reading, and fields supporting this reading such as publishing and library services
Next month's Jewish Book Carnival will be hosted by The Whole Megillah. Please send in your link and blurb to, with "Jewish Book Carnival" as the subject, by March 10, 2018, thanks.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Rosh Chodesh Adar, 5778, Thursday, Friday
Just a quick reminder that the Women's Rosh Chodesh Prayers at Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh will be this coming Friday morning. Please spread the word, thanks.
Women's Prayers at Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh
Rosh Chodesh Adar 5778
Friday, February 16, 2018
1st of Adar, 5778, 8:30am
Hallel and Musaf for Rosh Chodesh
Tour of Tel Shiloh
Dvar Torah, Short Torah Lesson
Please come and invite family, friends and neighbors.


The religious and archeological site of Shiloh Hakeduma is open to the public six days a week, Sunday-Friday. For more information, email or See you Rosh Chodesh!

Rosh Chodesh Adar 5778
Friday, February 16, 2018
1st of Adar, 5778, 8:30am
Hallel and Musaf for Rosh Chodesh
Tour of Tel Shiloh
Dvar Torah, Short Torah Lesson
Please come and invite family, friends and neighbors.

תפילת נשים ראש חודש אדר בשילה הקדומה, תל שילה
יום ו' 16-02-2018
א' אדר, תשע"ח 8:30
הלל ומוסף לראש חודש
יהיה דבר תורה קצר וסיור בתל
כדאי לבוא ולהזמין חברות, משפחה ושכנות

The religious and archeological site of Shiloh Hakeduma is open to the public six days a week, Sunday-Friday. For more information, email or See you Rosh Chodesh!
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Stop the Waze and Read a Map!
Here's the video of Israeli soldiers, who by following Waze, not having a clue where they were ended up in Jenin and were attacked.
This isn't the first time such a thing has happened. Waze and Google Maps, which should be used to supplement map navigating, quickly replaced the trusty map.
One should first learn location, topography etc, map out a couple of possible routes and then you can check Waze to see which of those routes would be best, due to traffic and all. By first learning about the actual location, you'd be perfectly aware that Waze is recommending entering dangerous territory.
Please don't get me wrong. None of this excuses terrorism and violence by Arab terrorists. The situation that the Israeli Government has allowed terrorists to run free just minutes from innocent Jews is immoral and dangerous in all possible ways. The only apartheid here is the fact that Jews are severely restricted, not allowed by the PA Palestinian Authority Arabs in any place they were given to control. And even worse, Israeli Arab neighborhoods and towns are frequently dangerous for Jews to enter, drive through and shop in. But Arabs are allowed to enter and work unharmed, even renting and buying homes in Jewish neighborhoods.
Learn where you're going. Use a real map.
This isn't the first time such a thing has happened. Waze and Google Maps, which should be used to supplement map navigating, quickly replaced the trusty map.
One should first learn location, topography etc, map out a couple of possible routes and then you can check Waze to see which of those routes would be best, due to traffic and all. By first learning about the actual location, you'd be perfectly aware that Waze is recommending entering dangerous territory.
Please don't get me wrong. None of this excuses terrorism and violence by Arab terrorists. The situation that the Israeli Government has allowed terrorists to run free just minutes from innocent Jews is immoral and dangerous in all possible ways. The only apartheid here is the fact that Jews are severely restricted, not allowed by the PA Palestinian Authority Arabs in any place they were given to control. And even worse, Israeli Arab neighborhoods and towns are frequently dangerous for Jews to enter, drive through and shop in. But Arabs are allowed to enter and work unharmed, even renting and buying homes in Jewish neighborhoods.
Learn where you're going. Use a real map.
Short True Story about Mr. Sy Syms
a Famous Jewish Businessman and Mega-Donor
(a guest post by Mr. Cohen)
Please also read: If Joshua Were Alive Today:
PLEASE help by making
a PayPal donation to:
Why Muslims Hate Jews:
Why Barak Hullman left Reform Judaism and became Orthodox:
Sephardic Jews Reject Reform Judaism:
Greek NYC Jews and Syrian NYC Jews
(a rarely-told true story that very few people know about):
How to Convict the New York Times of Unfair Bias Against Israel:
How Torah Can Defeat Terrorism:
Do Palestinians Want a Two-State Solution?
by Daniel Polisar, PhD in Political Science
a Famous Jewish Businessman and Mega-Donor
(a guest post by Mr. Cohen)
In the 1990s, Mr. Sy Syms, a famous Jewish businessman
was affiliated with Conservative Judaism, was asked
why he made major
charitable donations to Orthodox
institutions [specifically, to Yeshivah
instead of the Conservative Judaism movement,
with which he was
He explained that, in his personal opinion,
Orthodox Judaism
was [or is] the future of Jews.
This story was told to me, many times,
by a former Dean of
Yeshivah University,
who asked that question to Mr. Sy Syms.
Please also read: If Daniel Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Isaiah Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Ezekiel Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Jeremiah Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Ezra Were Alive Today:
Please also read: If Nehemiah Were Alive Today: also read: If Joshua Were Alive Today:
Please also read: Refuting the Fans of Vashti:
PLEASE help by making
a PayPal donation to:
Quick Bible Quotes from Joshua and Jeremiah:
Ancient Roman historians connected Jews with the Land of Israel and Jerusalem:
Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah: Muslims Hate Jews:
Forgotten Oppression against Jews:
American anti-Semitism:
How a Reform Rabbi Become Orthodox (true story): Barak Hullman left Reform Judaism and became Orthodox:
Sephardic Jews Reject Reform Judaism:
Greek NYC Jews and Syrian NYC Jews
(a rarely-told true story that very few people know about):
How to Convict the New York Times of Unfair Bias Against Israel:
Why Pray for Tzahal-IDF:
How to Pray for Tzahal-IDF: Torah Can Defeat Terrorism:
Do Palestinians Want a Two-State Solution?
by Daniel Polisar, PhD in Political Science
Articles Refuting the so-called “Two-State Solution”:
PLEASE HELP DEFEND ISRAEL FROM UNFAIR MEDIA:*********************************************************
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