Hamas War

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What's The Moral Thing To Do?

The New York Sun has an opinion article casting doubt on the loyalty of Israel's religious soldiers. I sent the following comment to it, but I'm not sure they'll post it, and if they do, there may be changes:
Why should soldiers be expected to blindly "obey orders?"
Post WWII the German soldiers were condemned for blindly obeying orders in their murder of innocents.
As the world sees in post-Disengagement, the Arabs use former Jewish towns to attack Israel with their kassam rockets. That is what they're planning if, G-d forbid, Jews are exiled from their homes in Judea and Samaria. That is the aim of those who want a 22nd Arab state.
The only sane and moral thing for the Israeli soldiers to do would be to refuse orders.


Anonymous said...

Very well put. I do hope they post it as is.

(If it were me, I would only want to change one thing. You write of "those who want a 22nd Arab state." I'm convinced that none of them gives the south end of a north-bound rat for a 22nd Arab state. All they care about is the destruction of the Jewish existence here in our Land. What sort of "state", "territory", garbage dump or Gehinom might replace it, is the least of their concerns.)

Batya said...

Thanks, so far it's not up, but there is a good comment by Judith Nusbaum.

Anonymous said...

I liked the clarification of the pre-expulsion call by Rav Shapira z"l to 'refuse orders'. In fact, he was careful never to advocate 'refusal', but rather insisted that it was forbidden to execute an order that violated the Torah, and evicting Jews from their homes = violating the Torah.

Well, it does not matter how the semantics are played, the media will always slander the religious and print what they want about us.

Batya said...

So true.
Did you see the posts about the "legal evening" at HU?