Hamas War

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Welcoming George, Nu?

A lot of my "crowd" has been sending troubled missives back and forth, trying to decide on a suitable way of "welcoming George." We have to take the initiative, since Olmert may be too tired to do it correctly.
This isn't quite my idea of a greeting,

...but a hug and kiss aren't on the menu either.

I don't think we should imitate Nixon's greeting in Venezuela, 1958.

We have to work from two directions, each separately. I'm trying to think of a way to make Olmert "less attractive" to Bush.

I think we have to stress that Olmert has single-digit support according to all polls, and that Bush should stay away, because hanging out with Olmert will make him look like a loser at best and pro-"dictator," which could be worse for the Republicans' chances at the upcoming elections.
And we have to make Bush less attractive to the Israelis. We have to explain, educate that in the United States lame duck presidents are likened to impotent men. Israelis must be told that whatever Bush promises is just words, hot air; he has no power. America is in the middle of elections, and Bush is history.

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