Hamas War

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sure knocks the demography scam!

Birthrate up for Jews, down for Muslims

Hat tip to IMRA!

Remember that all the "experts" have predicted our becoming a minority a long, long time ago!

Ken yirbu, to all the Jewish babies born here!


Anonymous said...

Actually, except in Yesh(a), the birthrate is 4.0(Moslem) to 2.8(Jewish) children per couple.

While in Yesh(a) apparently the growth rate (percentage wise) is some 3 times higher than the rest of Israel.

As an aside, the newspapers are all reporting on all the Jerusalem Arabs suddenly applying for Israeli citizenship, so they don't have to live under PA rule.

Imagine that. Olmert will divide the city, and give Abbas resident-free real estate, as all the Jerusalem Arabs will have moved to the non-PA side of the fence.

Talk about 2 States for 1 (non)People.

Batya said...

French Hill and parts of Pisgat Zeev and Neve Yaakov already have a lot of Arabs.