Hamas War

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Great News!!

Haven't you heard?

The international public protests were successful!

Here's proof that the world has a heart. The campaign to save Anne Frank's tree, the one she saw from the window of her hideout, is a success!

picture credit

It reminds me of the hysteria of the idealistic Left in Israel after they discovered that some of the Jews, who had been forcibly evicted from their homes in Gush Katif and Northern Shomron, due to the Left-supported Disengagement, had "cruelly and irresponsibly abandoned their pet dogs." Of course those very same "humanists" didn't think it cruel that the government had evicted, exiled those same innocent Jews from their homes, destroyed their businesses, farms, trees and gardens. Minor details, like the dog owners' being homeless, most temporarily housed in small no animals allowed hotel rooms didn't excuse them.

picture credit

  • There were beautiful trees and gardens in the communities Olmert/Sharon and the cheering world destroyed in the name of Disengagement.
  • There were excellent schools in the communities that Olmert/Sharon and the cheering world destroyed in the name of Disengagement.
  • There were successful businesses in the communities Olmert/Sharon and the cheering world destroyed in the name of Disengagement.

Where were the international protests?

And now, Israeli politicians and media and the world's moral standard bearers are going blithely ahead with their plans to exile, G-d forbid! more innocent Jews, well over 100,000, from their homes totally disengaged from the dangers they will be putting the entire State of Israel.

photo by me, Batya Medad, taken in Shiloh

Instead of defending and strengthening our State of Israel, they are at the forefront of the international movement to establish an Arab terror state in our historic Homeland, in the heartland, an easy rocket-launch away from all Israeli cities.

Why doesn't anyone care? The world protested about the possible destruction of a diseased tree in Holland, once admired by an "imprisoned" Jew. Why doesn't anyone care about preserving our country? An Arab terror state which unabashedly proclaims its aim to destroy the Jewish State is bad news for the entire world. Why doesn't anyone care? Where are the protests?

Why does that tree mean more to people than all the vibrant Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria? Why do people ignore the dangers to the State of Israel?

photo by me, Batya Medad, taken in Shiloh

Why do people prefer to donate to Holocaust Memorials than the needs of live Jews? Why did they unite for Anne Frank's tree rather than to protest the uprooting of mine?

cross-posted In the Eye of the Storm


Esser Agaroth said...

B"H You raise some important points:

1) The hypocracy of the left
2) The countless accomplishments which could have been made to prevent a second holocaust (intermarriage, pogroms, what have you) if half of the half money used for memorials was used for the future of the Jewish People
3) Do protests work or not? Maybe inreal democracies, they do. But, in Isreal where we are ruledby the shadow gov't of Shimon Peres and the Supreme court which has already decided the country's path (desiring the country to assimilate fully as a European country), they really are futile. Remember the largest protest ever? The protest against the BaGa"Tz several years ago. Something like a quarter of a million showed up. It didn't help.

We have to ask ourselves, if protests do not work, then what do we do?

Batya said...

Thanks so much for your comment.
Yaaqov, how can you ask such a question with a name like yours?
We have to protest in every way possible! The Biblical Yaakov met Essau armed, with prayer and with gifts and his divided his family.
We must do everything, because it's a combination which will save us, the sum total, even our blogging!

Esser Agaroth said...

Because we're not dealing with people who even play by their own rules.

When we get close to winning according to their rules, then they change them.

A good example was when Arutz 7 received it's approval for broadcasting from the Kenesset. The Supreme Court overturned it, because they didn't like the reasons behind its passage.

Blogging helps because "they" do not yet have jurisdiction over the I-Net.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Chas v'shalom .....

The leftists of the world are more impressed with symbols, slogans and songs than they are with reality.
Like "Never again" and "Shir ha-shalom".

The leftists of the world care more about the survival of a tree than the survival of Israel.

Hitler, too, was more interested in museums of Jews than in the survival of Jews.

Save the trees, save the dogs.
Be kind to the cruel and cruel to the kind.
Priorities of the left.

Why is this?
Because the idol commands it.

Norman Cohen
Los Angeles

Batya said...

Yaaqov, so true. There are countries which have been restricting their bloggers. Our identities aren't secret...

Norman, the leftists illustrate the saying:
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
John Lennon's "Imagine" is one dangerous bit of philosophy.