across from Tourmus Aya, where it forks to Ma'aleh Levona, I took a couple of pictures of the Arab houses
including one under construction.
I just wonder... how big it will end up being....
My musings, reflections on life here in Shiloh, Israel. Original, personal, spiritual and political. Peace, security and Israeli sovereignty. While not a "group blog," Shiloh Musings includes the voices of other Jews in The Land of Israel. **Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged. Thank you.
The borders of British Mandatory Palestine too were set, just like the case with its neighbors, on the basis of colonial interests. In many areas, the border was drawn in a rather random manner. Had it been performed a little differently, would the Arabs of Marjayoun in southern Lebanon become Palestinian? Would the Arabs of Tarshiha in the Galilee be Lebanese? Are residents of Trans-Jordan, which was initially part of Mandatory Palestine and a few years later became the Kingdom of Jordan, Palestinian or Jordanian?
During the less than 30 years of the existence of this Mandate, from which the Palestinians draw their name, no significant indications were to be found of a united national identity of their own. The leader of Mandate Arabs was the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, who viewed himself as a pan-Arabic leader, imposed his rule through the persecution and assassination of his rivals, and headed a loose alliance of clans, tribes, and local interests that were mostly united by hatred towards the Jews, and to a lesser extent towards the British.
How to interpret the supposed fight between Hamas and Al Fatah (also known as ‘the PLO’)?Food for thought, for sure.
The media has always represented Hamas and Fatah as great enemies, but this has always flown in the face of the facts (consider the love letter to the PLO contained in the Hamas Charter, at top). In the pages of the New York Times and other such publications Hamas and Fatah would snarl at each other but in the real world there was a dramatic contrast: leaders of Hamas would become leaders of Fatah and vice-versa, and they cooperated closely when it came to repressing the Arab civilian population of the West Bank and Gaza, and when it came to attacking Israel.[2]
We are here to introduce a new era in America - an era of unity, mutual respect, and lasting peace -- an era when Christian and Jew stand together hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder.... ---Pastor John Hagee from CUFI
We shall rise to meet the dawning of a new era - a new order of peace and prosperity in which lion and hyena come together in a great and glorious future.... ----Scar from the Lion King
"It's a good thing I read your blog or I wouldn't have been prepared for the shock."
He's going as a policeman to enforce his agenda. Blair and his buddies want a "Palestinian" state, through hell or high water, no matter how it affects Israel.
Blair's not coming to mediate. He had no interest in Israel's security or survival. He wants to give the Arab terrorists a state.
And even worse, the Israeli Government doesn't care.
Light, darkness, and peace
These, and everything, you made
G-d, King of the world
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