Hamas War

Friday, May 23, 2014

Celebrating Jerusalem Day and Israel's 1967 Victory, Some Thoughts

Each time I write about, or mention the 1967 Six Days War I feel myself transported back in time to that spring of 1967 just as I was about to graduate high school. Yes, I'm old enough to remember it all. I remember the threats of Egypt's Nasser to destroy the small State of Israel and how quickly the United Nations pulled out its "peacekeeping forces" from the Suez Canal. I remember the silence of the rest of the world, yes, including the United States of America as they all waited on the sidelines expected to watch the defeat and destruction of the tiny, weak State of Israel. No doubt, the speechwriters were  already preparing verbose eulogies for the country nobody cared much about. And maybe some were wondering who would take the Jewish survivors after the expected defeat. Did any country really want to increase their Jewish populations with more refugees?

Nasser kicking Israel into the Sea, 1967 YNET

Baruch Hashem, G-d pulled off a surprise victory for the Jewish State, for the State of Israel!

Considering the existing Israeli borders of the time, nobody in their right mind ever expected Israel to defeat Egypt, Syria and Jordan simultaneously. It was insane to say the least, but Jews all over the world gathered in prayer. The only ally we had was G-d, and G-d didn't let us down. I remember being at a huge prayer meeting in Great Neck, NY, acting as an usher bringing all of the local rabbis to the stage, the Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. This was unprecedented.

Forty-seven years ago during this very same season the Jewish People united and G-d came to our rescue. I wish I could end this with, "...and after that we the Jewish People all lived happily ever after."

Yes, G-d made it possible, in the space of six short days for the tiny IDF to defeat our military enemies, and we celebrated.

Group of young Israelis dancing the Hora in front of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem after the unification of the Jerusalem . -GPO 07/02/1967

But within days, hours we, the State of Israel, began throwing the gift away. First the Muslim Mufti was given Har HaBayit, the Temple Mount, and then the Israeli Government began planning on "negotiating peace" by offering almost all of the liberated historic Jewish Homeland to the Arabs. We're still suffering from this mistake, and subsequent Israeli Governments still haven't learned that the only way for us to enjoy peace is to hold on and develop the Land G-d gave us for Jewish life and living.

May our politicians, government leaders, be gifted with true wisdom and then we'll really celebrate Jerusalem Day, the great victory over the evil Arab nations that surround us.


Yonina said...



I love what you write. I wanted to share a few pieces I have written along the same lines.

Thank you for your daily posts. I look forward to them and read them every day.


Batya said...

Thanks, Yonina, Shabbat Shalom