Hamas War

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Losing Judaism in the Pursuit of Commonality

Posted by Jewish Israel

Jewish Israel takes an in-depth look at very recent developments in Israel's relationship with evangelicals and explores how the pursuit of "a common future and destiny" with Christianity is eroding Judaism's foundations and blurring the distinction between faiths. Is Jewish leadership inadvertently leading us down the road to spiritual assimilation, and is it time for a lesson in basic Judaism? more

In conjunction with this report, Jewish Israel has posted a chart delineating some very basic differences between Judaism and Christianity. But keep in mind that, as a general rule, Judaism should not be put on par with or compared to Christianity, as Judaism transcends the classifications of religion and theology.

A related thought for Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut: Remembering who we are may be the key to maintaining our independence


Batya said...

ellen, thanks for posting this. I feel priviliged that my blog is part of your important work.

ellen said...

thanks again,Batya,for your encouraging feedback and support and for giving Jewish Israel the opportunity to post here